• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on the reactivity of biomass char and itscorrelation with Raman spectroscopy characterization

  • 作者


  • Author

    BAO Zhengyan;LU Zhimin;CHEN Jinzheng;CAI Jianfeng;YAO Shunchun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Electric Power,South China University of Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Biomass energy, as the most extensively utilized source of renewable energy, has advantages such as substantial reserves, theabsence of carbon emissions, renewability, and consistent supply. The usage of biomass char is a significant aspect of biomass energy utilization, and its reactivity varies greatly due to different types of raw materials, which seriously hinders the advancement of research and theutilization of biomass energy. The reactivity of biomass char is primarily influenced by inorganic components, texture properties, and carbon structure. Raman spectroscopy, as a fast-advancing technique for characterizing carbon structures, has has been widely used in thestudy of the physical and chemical properties of biomass char. In this paper, starting from the spectral parameters such as band position,band width, band intensity ratio, and band area of biomass coke Raman spectroscopy, the carbon structure of biomass char at home andabroad was summarized. The changes in carbon structure during the thermochemical transformation of biomass char were thoroughly analyzed. Raman spectroscopy is a reliable method for analyzing the carbon skeleton structure of biomass char. The presence of a well-organized aromatic or graphitized structure in the char will decrease its reactivity. Currently, there is a limited amount of research on the relationships between the reactivity of biomass char and the carbon skeleton structure characterized by Raman spectroscopy. These studies mostly concentrate on a specific type of biomass, and the generalizability of its findings still needs to be verified. There are also a fewstudies on the char reactivity and Raman spectrum of various biomass raw materials. However, no quantitative conclusions have been given. The research findings on the relationships between the char reactivity of different biomass feedstock and the Raman parameters of charwere introduced, in order to offer a reference for future studies on the reactivity of biomass fuel. The future holds enormous potential for thedevelopment of Raman spectroscopy in analyzing biomass char. Currently, the primary focus of study is on analyzing the spectral region ofthe first-order Raman spectrum. The second-order Raman spectrum has not received much attention. In addition, advanced Raman spectroscopy techniques, including surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, have not yet been utilized in the analysis of carbon structure and reactivity in biomass char, and should be given priority consideration in the future.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    biomass energy;biomass char;reactivity;carbon structure;Raman spectroscopy

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 影响生物质焦反应活性的因素

       1.1 无机元素

       1.2 焦颗粒织构特性

       1.3 微观碳结构特性

    2 拉曼光谱在碳结构上的研究

       2.1 生物质原料

       2.2 生物质焦结构

    3 拉曼光谱与生物质焦反应活性关联研究

    4 结语与展望

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    包钲言,卢志民,陈金铮,等.生物质焦反应活性及其与拉曼光谱表征关联性研究进展[ J].洁净煤技术,2024,30(3):106-123.
  • Citation
    BAO Zhengyan,LU Zhimin,CHEN Jinzheng,et al.Research progress on the reactivity of biomass char and its correlationwith Raman spectroscopy characterization[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(3):106-123.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 生物质焦十峰法分峰图例

    图(13) / 表(0)


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