• 全部
  • Title

    A calculation model for the associated position interference between the boom and shovel table mechanisms of intelligent roadheader

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Ruohan;LIU Yongli;LIU Shuang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Electrical and Control Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
    School of Safety Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
    School of Mining Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
    School of Mechanical Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    智能化悬臂式掘进机在工作状态感知与控制过程中悬臂和铲台机构关联位置干涉,而现有悬臂式掘进机防干涉碰撞的研究主要是基于单一的控制方法,将防干涉碰撞条件融入到控制中的较少。针对上述问题,提出了一种悬臂和铲台机构关联位置干涉解算模型。基于多自由度悬臂式掘进机悬臂和铲台机构运动过程中的相对空间位置关系,将悬臂机构简化为分段空间直线、铲台机构简化为空间平面,根据悬臂边界等效分段空间直线上特定点和截割刀具边界点至铲台等效空间平面的距离,判断悬臂与铲台是否干涉。悬臂与铲台机构关联位置干涉解算模型应用实例表明:当铲台处在中位状态时,主悬臂和辅助悬臂无相对摆动下,悬臂和铲台不发生干涉碰撞的极限约束条件为主悬臂下摆动位置角不超过29.5°,截割刀具卧底量不超过42 mm;主悬臂和辅助悬臂协同摆动下,悬臂和铲台不发生干涉碰撞的极限约束条件为截割刀具卧底量不超过163 mm。悬臂和铲台机构关联位置干涉解算模型为悬臂与铲台干涉碰撞全域预测预警的数字化与智能自主控制奠定了基础。
  • Abstract
    In the process of working state perception and control, the intelligent boom-type roadheader interferes with the position of the boom and shovel table mechanism. However, the existing research on the prevention of interference and collision in boom-type roadheader is mainly based on a single control method. There are relatively few studies that integrate the prevention of interference and collision conditions into the control. In order to solve the above problems, a calculation model for associated position interference between the boom and shovel table mechanism is proposed. Based on the relative spatial position relationship between the boom and shovel table mechanism of a multi degree of freedom boom-type roadheader during the movement process, the boom mechanism is simplified as a segmented spatial straight line, and the shovel table mechanism is simplified as a spatial plane. Based on the distance between the specific points on the equivalent segmented spatial straight line of the boom boundary and the boundary point of the cutting tool to the equivalent spatial plane of the shovel table, the interference between the boom and shovel table is determined. The application example of the interference calculation model for the relationship between the boom and the shovel table mechanism show the following points. When the shovel platform is in the middle position, under the condition that the main boom and auxiliary boom have no relative swing, the ultimate constraint condition for the boom and shovel table to not interfere and collide is that the swing position angle of the main boom does not exceed 29.5°, and the cutting tool's bottom depth does not exceed 42 mm. The ultimate constraint condition for the boom and shovel table to not interfere and collide under the coordinated swing of the main boom and auxiliary boom is that cutting tool's bottom depth does not exceed 163 mm. The interference calculation model for the position interference between the boom and the shovel table mechanism lays the foundation for the digital and intelligent autonomous control of the full domain prediction and warning of the interference and collision between the boom and the shovel table.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    boom-type roadheader;boom;shovel table;associated position;anti interference

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘若涵,刘永立,刘爽. 智能化掘进机悬臂和铲台机构关联位置干涉解算模型[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(3):114-121.
  • Citation
    LIU Ruohan, LIU Yongli, LIU Shuang. A calculation model for the associated position interference between the boom and shovel table mechanisms of intelligent roadheader[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(3):114-121.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 传统的悬臂式掘进机

    图(8) / 表(2)


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