• 全部
  • Title

    Potential of CO2 emission reduction of coal gasification combined with green electricity

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Yi;GUO Xiaojin;XU Xiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power,Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET),Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Jiangsu Zhongke Research Center for Clean Energy and Power
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    For the processes to produce coal-based chemicals using coal gasification processes,combining with green electricity is an effective method to achieve CO2 emission reduction because not only the CO2 emissions caused by combustion of coal to provide needed heatin gasifiers can be eliminated but also the higher hydrogen to carbon ratio (H/ C) of synthesis gas can be obtained and the CO2 emissionsin water-gas-shift unit can be reduced. The models of different conventional gasifiers were simulated and verified, and the corresponding green electric heating gasifiers were simulated. The trends on the composition of the gaseous products and the H/ C of the syngas weresimulated, and the influences on the products by temperature, sorts of coals, and sequence of reactor models were analyzed. Furthermore,the trends of H/ C with temperature are investigated and the potential of CO2 emission reduction are calculated. It is found that the CO2emissions of the reactors combining with green electricity decrease by 12.63% ( fixed bed), 11. 01% ( entrained flow bed), 9. 23%(transport bed) and 5.12% (fluidized bed), respectively. Besides, the H/ C shows an upward trend. Temperature has a significant impacton the composition of syngas, and the reactors for decoupling pyrolysis and gasification reactions to some extent affect the composition ofsyngas. When the temperature is below 1 500 K, the H/ C decreases with the increase of temperature. When the temperature is above1 500 K, the hydrogen to carbon ratio slowly increases with the increase of temperature. Decoupling pyrolysis and operating under lowerpressure can help to achieve a higher H/ C and lower CO2 emission, and the gasifiers operating under more moderate conditions have morepotential of CO2 emission reduction. The efficiency advantage of the fixed bed coupling with green electricity is obvious. Considering thetechnical difficulties of high-temperature reactors coupled with green electricity, fixed bed, fluidized bed, and transport bed reactors coupled with green electricity are more feasible.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gasification;process simulation;CO2 emission reduction;hydrogen to carbon ratio;green electricity

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    SUN Yi,GUO Xiaojin,XU Xiang.Potential of CO2 emission reduction of coal gasification combined with green electricity[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(4):111-119.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 常规气化炉模拟流程

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