• 全部
  • Title

    Research and technological application progress on the treatment ofVOCs by activated carbon adsorption process

  • 作者


  • Author

    HU Zihan;LI Xiaoliang;CHEN Wenkai;XIONG Yinwu;BAI Xiaoyan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & EquipmentLaboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
    Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal BasedCarbon Materials
    CCTEG Low⁃carbon Technology Institute
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    VOCs are seriously harmful to human health and the environment. The adsorption process has various ad⁃vantages such as high VOCs removal efficiency and low cost, and plays an important role in the treatment of VOCs,the core lies in the development of VOCs adsorption functional materials. Due to the wide range of raw materialsources, developed pore structure, and recyclability, activated carbon is often used as an adsorbent in VOCs treat⁃ment. This article reviews the research and application progress of activated carbon adsorption technology of VOCstreatment, elaborates on the key influencing factors and modification methods of activated carbon adsorption of VOCs,and summarizes the current process technology, regeneration methods, and application status based on practical ap⁃plications, aiming to provide theoretical guidance for the selection and process control of activated carbon. In productselection, suitable structures should be chosen based on the properties of VOCs and external operating conditions,and it is necessary to develop activated carbon with hydrophobic properties. In practical applications, coupling multi⁃ple adsorption processes is an important direction for the future development of VOCs adsorption processes. However,due to the complexity of VOCs components, one or more VOCs treatment processes can be reasonably selected basedon actual conditions to ensure treatment effectiveness. For the activated carbon that adsorbs VOCs to saturation, rea⁃sonable regeneration, supplementation or replacement of activated carbon should be carried out from the perspectiveof economy and regeneration effect.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    activated carbon;adsorption process;VOCs;influencing factors;modification technology;processtechnology;regeneration technology;structural characteristics

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    HU Zihan, LI Xiaoliang, CHEN Wenkai, et al. Research and technological application progress on the treatmentof VOCs by activated carbon adsorption process [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2024, 39 (5): 37-49.
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