Dual Stream Enhanced Lung Cancer Growth Evolution Predictive Network Under Time Series
WANG Zijian;XU Jiazheng;QIANG Yan;XIAO Ning;ZHAO Jun;REN Xueting
【Purposes】 In this paper, a dual stream enhanced lung cancer growth evolution pre⁃ dictive network under time series (DSGNet) is proposed. 【Methods】 With full use of the advantages of CNN and Transformer, PSGNet can be used to extract the static features of tumors through CNN- based branches, and strengthen the extracted feature representations in a multi-scale manner. The Transformer-based branch helps obtain sequential dependencies between tumor sequence images, with its core component being the multi-head self-attention layer proposed in this paper. This branch maps lesion sequence images into a feature map sequence and then inputs the sequence into a deep net⁃ work with multi-head self-attention, from which the complete inter-tumor growth relationship is ex⁃ tracted. 【Findings】 The proposed algorithm is evaluated on the lung cancer NLST dataset and a data⁃ set from cooperative hospitals. The experimental results show that DSGNet achieves a precision of 92.45% and a Dice coefficient of 82.78% in predicting tumor growth. Compared with other tumor pre⁃ diction algorithms, DSGNet proposed in this paper has been improved to a certain extent in all aspects and has been proven to be applicable to clinical research in many ways.
tumor growth prediction;deep learning;convolutional neural network;Trans⁃former;medical image processing
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会