Key technologies for intelligent, efficient, and safe mining of impact thick coal seams due to hard roof
YU Bin;MENG Xiangbin;TAI Yang;SHANG Ziyu;PENG Mingxian;KUANG Tiejun;GUO Feilong;LI Dongyin;WANG Shibo
重庆大学 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院晋能控股煤业集团有限责任公司技术中心河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院中国矿业大学 机电工程学院
针对坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层难以实现源头消冲和高效开采的难题,首先开发了坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层安全开采保障技术,为智能放煤高效开采创造了有利环境;在此基础上攻克智能放煤技术瓶颈,形成了坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层智能高效开采技术,具体研究过程如下:在坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层安全开采保障技术方面,采用Timoshenko梁理论建立了坚硬顶板周期破断弹性能集聚模型,分析了不同单轴抗拉强度下顶板能量密度分布规律,揭示了基于地面预制人工缝网的坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层超前消冲机理,据此开发了地面水平井压裂技术和地面液体炸药爆破技术,形成了基于地面预制人工缝网的超前消冲技术;采用Reissner中厚板理论建立了坚硬顶板切顶前后的初次破断力学模型,分析了人工定向裂缝对顶板弹性能密度和煤体静载增量的影响规律,揭示了基于井下人工定向造缝的坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层超前消冲机理,发明了复合爆破定向造缝技术,形成了基于井下人工造缝的超前消冲技术。在坚硬顶板特厚冲击煤层智能高效开采技术方面,发明了顶煤厚度雷达在线探测技术、基于近红外光谱的煤矸识别技术、基于振动特征辨识的煤矸识别技术、基于音频的煤矸识别技术和基于激光三维扫描的放煤量实时监测技术,形成了特厚煤层智能感知与识别技术;建立了智能综放工作面“人—机—环”多源信息数据库,开发了特厚煤层综放工作面采放协调决策模型,发明了智能放煤模式与工艺智能决策技术,形成了智能放煤模式与工艺智能决策技术;开发了智能综放工作面三机位姿高精度惯导检测与控制技术,建成了智能综放远程通信及综合控制平台,形成了特厚煤层远程放顶煤智能控制技术。基于以上研究得出:①当抗拉强度分别为0.76、1.57、2.68、3.95和5.68 MPa时,坚硬顶板对应的弹性能密度峰值分别为6.5、25.4、71.6、168.2和340.1 kJ/m,弹性能密度峰值
To address the challenges of source-based rock burst elimination and efficient mining in ultra-thick coal seams prone to rock bursts due to hard roofs, a safety assurance technology was developed to create a favorable environment for intelligent and efficient coal caving. Building on this foundation, breakthroughs in intelligent caving technologies were achieved, resulting in the development of an intelligent top-caving mining system for ultra-thick coal seams with hard roofs. The research process includes the following: For safety assurance in mining ultra-thick coal seams with hard roofs, the Timoshenko beam theory was applied to establish an elastic energy accumulation model for the periodic breakage of hard roofs. This enabled the analysis of energy density distributions under different uniaxial tensile strengths and revealed the advanced rock burst elimination mechanism based on pre-fabricated artificial fracture networks from ground. Accordingly, horizontal well fracturing and liquid explosive blasting techniques were developed, forming ground-based advanced rock burst elimination technology. Furthermore, using Reissner’s thick-plate theory, mechanical models for roof behavior before and after directional fracturing were constructed. These models analyzed the effects of artificial directional fractures on roof elastic energy density and coal static load increments, uncovering the rock burst elimination mechanism of underground artificial directional fractures. Then, a directional composite blasting technology was invented, leading to underground-based advanced rock burst elimination technology. In intelligent mining, several innovations were introduced, including radar-based coal thickness detection, near-infrared spectroscopy for coal-rock identification, vibration and audio-based coal-rock identification, and laser 3D scanning for real-time coal extraction monitoring. These developments formed an intelligent perception and identification technology for top-caving working faces with ultra-thick coal seams. A multi-source information database for intelligent top-caving longwall panels integrating human, machine, and environmental data was established, along with coordinated mining and caving decision-making models and intelligent decision-making technologies for caving processes. High-precision inertial navigation for equipment positioning and a remote communication and control platform were developed, enabling remote intelligent control for top coal caving. Key findings include: ① For tensile strengths of 0.76, 1.57, 2.68, 3.95, and 5.68 MPa, the corresponding peak elastic energy densities of hard roofs were 6.5, 25.4, 71.6, 168.2, and 340.1 kJ/m, respectively, with a quadratic relationship between peak elastic energy density (
Hard-thick roof;Rock burst;Intelligent Recognition and Control;Eliminating rock burst at the source;Ground Pressure Fracturing
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会