Collaborative governance model for spoil disposal and gully infill land creation near open-pit coal mines
LEI Shaogang;ZHANG Jianying;LIU Chang;WANG Liang;JIA Zhenwang
1中国矿业大学 矿山生态修复教育部工程研究中心锡林郭勒盟蒙东矿业有限责任公司准格尔旗自然资源综合服务中心
大规模露天采矿活动对黄土沟壑区地形地貌和生态环境产生了显著的影响。为缓解露天矿普遍面临内排空间不足,进而引起的边坡角过大,超标高排土,产量受限,以及煤矿周边的自然沟壑区水土流失和破碎沟壑土地难治理难利用等问题,本文提出了一种露天矿周边沟壑排土填沟造地协同开采治理技术模式,其原理是基于技术经济环境效益分析,将原本要排弃到排土场的部分适宜的剥离岩土物料,仿自然地层地貌重构过程将运移物料回填到矿区外适宜治理的邻近沟壑,最后再覆土与植被建设,从而实现节约排土空间和再利用沟壑区土地。主要技术环节包括:基于构建内外同心矩形窗口遍历算法提取区域待治理沟壑选址、基于“源汇”理论统筹排土场土方调配路径优化、基于近自然地貌重塑的沟壑区域复填、排土物料筛选与沟壑复填土层剖面重构、覆土绿化与土地再利用、以及协同开采治理的生态效果评价等关键步骤。以内蒙古准格尔旗某露天煤矿为例开展研究,结果表明,该模式治理的露天矿周边自然沟壑总面积为2.588×105m2,为矿区减少约1.536×107 m3的土方内排量;结合CLiDE地貌演化与土壤侵蚀评估模型,模拟并评价了30年期间周边沟壑协同治理后区域土壤侵蚀量减少66.53%,同时协同治理后的地貌表现出较为稳定的演变趋势,同时新增了大量可供利用的土地,达到了“一土两用”目的。为保障该技术模式的推广,还需要有相应的政策支持和严格的过程监管,以确保该模式产生最大的综合效益,并避免引起新的土地占用和生态环境问题。
Large scale open-pit mining activities have had a significant impact on the topography, geomorphology, and ecological environment of the loess gully region. In order to alleviate the common problems of insufficient internal drainage space in open-pit mines, such as excessive slope angles, over elevation soil discharge, limited production capacity, as well as soil erosion and difficult treatment and utilization of fragmented gully land in the natural gully area around the coal mine, this paper proposes a collaborative mining and treatment technology model for ditch filling and land reclamation in the vicinity of open-pit mines. The principle is based on the analysis of technical, economic and environmental benefits. The suitable stripped rock and soil materials that were originally intended to be dumped in the dumping site are backfilled to adjacent gullies outside the mining area that are suitable for treatment, and finally covered with soil and vegetation construction, in order to save dumping space and reuse land in the gully area. The main technical steps include: extracting the location of the gully to be treated based on the algorithm of constructing concentric rectangular windows inside and outside, optimizing the earthwork allocation path of the waste dump based on the "source sink" theory, backfilling the gully area based on the reshaping of the near natural landform, screening the waste materials and reconstructing the soil layer profile of the gully backfilling, greening and land reuse of the covering soil, and evaluating the ecological effects of collaborative mining and treatment. This article takes a certain open-pit coal mine in Zhungeer Banner, Inner Mongolia as an example to conduct research. The results show that the total area of natural gullies around the open-pit mine treated by this model is 2.588 × 105 m2, reducing the amount of earthwork discharge in the mining area by about 1.536 × 107 m3; By combining the CLiDE geomorphic evolution and soil erosion assessment model, we simulated and evaluated a 66.53% reduction in regional soil erosion after collaborative treatment of surrounding gullies over a 30-year period. At the same time, the landscape after collaborative treatment showed a relatively stable evolution trend, and a large amount of available land was added, achieving the goal of "one soil, two uses". To ensure the promotion of this technological model, corresponding policy support and strict process supervision are also needed to ensure that the model generates maximum comprehensive benefits and avoids causing new land occupation and ecological environment problems.
open-pit mine;dump site;gully infill for land creation;ecological restoration;landform reshaping
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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会