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  • Title

    Interpretation and discussion on revised key points of mine water prevention part from Coal Mine Safety Regulations

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yin Shangxian

  • Organization
    Hebei State Key Laboratory of Mine Disaster Prevention, North China Institute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    为更好理解新版《煤矿安全规程》中有关防治水条款的修订情况,依据总体修订原则,按照“坚持以人为本、强化企业主体、夯实基础地位、吸取事故教训、严格工作程序、体现科技进步”六项防治水条款修订原则,重点梳理了修订后的内容。同时分析说明了“顶板含水层下采煤不属于带压开采范畴”,提出第302条中带压开采应仅针对承压含水层上采煤时的底板带压开采;指出了《煤矿防治水规定》附录四、附录五有关安全隔水层厚度计算存在矛盾,从理论上分析论证了斯列萨列夫公式与突水系数公式分别适用于掘进巷道工作面与回采工作面安全隔水层厚度计算评价,突水系数公式适用于回采工作面且底板隔水层厚度小于50 m的情况。
  • Abstract
    In oder to better understand the new revised conditions about mine water prevention and control part from coal mine safety regulations, based on the ge neral principles of revision, according to six modifications principles, i. e, adhering to the people-oriented, strengthening the enterprise dominant position, soliding found ation status, drawing lessons from the accident, strictly working procedures, embodying the scientific and technological progress, the author ilustrates related key chan ges. Meanwhile, the author put forward mining under the roof aquifer do not belong to the category of mining with pressure, the terms about mining with roof water pres sure should be amended as mining under floor water pressure in No.302 article. There are contradictions in the calculation of the safety thickness of the aquiclude in ap pendix four and five in Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Water Regulations. The paper analyzes and demonstrates theoretically that the Slisalif formula and water in rush coefficient formula are respectively suitable for evaluation of safety thickness of aquifuge in the heading face and the working face, the water inrush cofficient for mula is suitable for the working face with the aquiclude thickness of the floor is less than 50 m.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine water prevention; coal mining above aquifer with pressure; aquiclude thickness; water inrush coefficient;

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