• 全部
  • Title

    Experiment study on high geo- temperature environment affected to danger of coal spontaneous combustion

  • 作者


  • Author

    Ma LiLei Changkui Wang Kai Guo Ying

  • 单位


  • Organization
    MOE Key Lab of Mining and Disaster Prevention and Control in Western Mine of China,Xi'an University of Science and Technology Yankuang Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to understand the infuence law of high geo- temperature environment to coal spontaneous combustion.based on programmed temperature rising fest.the paper ha a test and analysis on the spontaneous combustion features and parameters of temperatre risen coal samples afer 40 ‘C constant temperature treatment or normal temperature cond tton.wih the appication of calculation model of Co density varied with temperature to sowve coal mass apparent acivaton energy,the apparent acivation energy varation law of the two group coal samples under diferent temperature stage were compared and analyze .the test resultshowed that oxygen consumpton rate,CO production rate,CO2 production rale and linit heat reasing strengh of the temperature risen coal samples aer igh temperature re atment would be higher t han the temperature risen coal samples under normal temperature and withthe temperature rsing,the tendeney would be more obvious Meanwhile the apparent activation energy would be lower than temperatre rsen coal samples under ormal emperaure and espeially hedfference would be hig her at low temperature stage,the apparent acivation energy woult be lowe,.which showed that igh temperature nvironment would cause high oxidization heat reasing from coalmass. The energy required to the oxidized reaction would be lowe. Akt the same condtion,oxidzation reacion speed would be fast would be easly oxidized and temoperature risen to cause spontaneous combustion,thus the spontaneous combustion danger would be increased.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high geo-temperature; coal spontaneous combustion;programmed temperature rising;CO concentration; active energy;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关文章

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