• 全部
  • Title

    Effect of pyrolysis and coal / char blending on slurry ability of Shenmu Coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    Lu Haiyun Li Xuan He Lixin Guo Yi Liu Zhen Xu Deping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    school of Chemical & Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology ( Beijing)National lnstitute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to improve the slurry ability of weak caking long fame coal from Shenmu area( SM) SM was pyrolyzed on self-dsigned moving bed reactor withnitiogen heat-carier ataifferent temperatures and diferent chars were obtained.The perormance of coal water sury CWS) was investigated prepared by SM.,chars and SiMl har mixtures respectively: The resuts showed that the concentration of coal water tuory increased from 65.2% to 69.6% prepared by pyrolysis of SM,.while theyielding stress and consistency coeficient had no obvious diffrence which indicated pyrolysis was a ood way to improve the Cws abilit , The analysis resuits of FTR,acidic functional groups and pore structure of SM and chars showed that pyrlysis improved the metamorphic degree of harreduced the content of oxygen-containing functional groups and changed the pore ste distribudion of chars which were the kesy factors for improving the sury abiity of chars.The perfomance of CWS prepared by SM/ char mixtures was betwee SM and chars and the heology and saility of CwS was beter than SM. which indicated that CwS abliy was determined by char. The above results showed that char with raw cal blending was an economical and feasible method for improving slury ability of SM.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal water slurry; weak caking long flame coal; coal pyrolysis; semi coke; oxygen-containing functiona

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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