• 全部
  • Title

    Study on In-situ Catalytic Reforming of Coal Tar from Pyrolysis of Brown Coal by Activated and Inactivated Char

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Zong-ding ZHANG Shu WANG Fang-jile JIA Xiao-lu XU De ping WANG Yong-gang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beiing)
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to develop economic and environmental- friendly catalysts for tar reforming, taking char prepared with brown coal as catalysts, the in- situ cataly tic reforming of coal tar from pyrolysis of Sheingli Lignite was studied in a two- stage fluidized- bed quartz reactor. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the compone nts in tars were made by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry ( GC- MS),while the property of chars was determined by X- ray diffraction ( XRD),scanning electr on microscopy ( SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer ( EDS) . The results showed that the yield of tar decreased with increasing temperature and high temperatur e could promote the cracking of heavy components forming of light components in tar. Both activated and inactivated chars were effective for the reforming of pyrolytic t ars. Compared to inactivated char, the char activated by steam had more abundant pore structures, the higher specific area and more metallic species ( such as Fe and Ca) on surfaces, thus showing better catalytic activity for tar reforming. Besides, with dosage increasement of activated char had caused the reduction in tar yield propo rtionally while with dosage increasement of inactivated char had lttle effect on the yield of tar.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    char; brown coal; pyrolysis; tar; catalytic reforming;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关文章

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