• 全部
  • Title

    Key technology of intelligent upgrading reconstruction of internet plus high cutting coal mining face

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wang Guofa Li Zhanping Zhang Jinhu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Mining and Design, Tiandi Science and Technology Company Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    in order to ealie a target with a lesspersone.inelient and unmanned mining in the cal mine the internet b g data,cloud computing artificial iteligent and others were in-depth integrated with the cal industry ncombiration with the auom ation construction status of the igh cutig coal minin facein Hon liutin Mine.withthe analysis and stutythe igh derntion visualzation technocgy.atitude mornitoring fechmnology.ani-clison technoiogy personel safety perception tfechnology,.Ether Net P communication technology.remote technology suppor pafom construction and other technolgy were appiedtothedesign on th iteli ent uprdin;reconstruction of the high cutig coal mining face in order to elize the target on the personnel reduction and efriciency improvement of the coal mining face and thesafety and high eficient automatic production.Finalyswith the project implemented.the paper summarized the nining experiencesofthe imtemnet plus high cutng cal mning face inteligent wrhich would powerully promote the digitalzed iteient mine constution and promote the stable and good safety roductioe stuaioen fthe natonal coal mines and promote the sustainable development of coal industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    internet plus;, high cutig coal mining face; big data; cloud computing; intelligent control: in-depth integration of inelient and unmanned:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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