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  • Title

    Technology and engineering practices on water preserved coal mining in seam with pressurized water floor

  • 作者


  • Author

    Ma Xiongde Du Feihu Qi Pengbo Li Wenli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Chang'an University MOE Key Lab of Underground Hydrologyand Ecology Effect in Arid Region,Chang' an University Chenghe Mining Company Limited,Shaanxi Coal Industry Company Limited Shaanxi lnstitute of Geo-Environment Monitoring
  • 摘要
    为解决底板承压含水层上带压采煤问题,以董家河煤矿为例,在研究5号煤层下伏含(隔)水层特征及煤层开采底板破坏深度的基础上,分析了突水危险性,制定了承压水体上保水采煤技术体系。结果表明:奥陶纪灰岩峰峰二段含水层是本区5号煤层开采主要充水水源,突水系数大于0.06MPa/m的区域占矿区面积的43%,K2及K3含水层既可成为奥灰水突水通道,也可改造成隔水底板,对5号煤层安全开采意义重大。同时提出了"监测预报,超前探测,探治结合,综合防治"四位一体综合保水采煤技术体系,并在澄合矿区进行了工程实践,既指导本区安全生产,又保护奥陶系375 m水位。
  • Abstract
    in ordet to solve the pressurized coal mining problems above pressuized aquifer of sean foor,based on Dongjiake Mine as a case,with the study on thefeatures of the aquifer( water isolated lay er) underneath Nvo. 5 seam and the fior falre depth of the mining seam.,the paper analyzed the water inrsh danger and setup the water preser ed coal mining echnology system above the pressuized water body. The resuits showed that engieng No.2 aquifers in Ordovician limestone were the main filing water souces ofNo.5 seam mnining in the mining area and the water inrush coeicient was igher than 0.06 MPa/ m regions which were taken 43%of the total area of the mining area. (2 and K3 aquifers would be the waler inrsh channels of ordovician limestone watera so could be reconstructed as a water isolated foor and would have great sigificances to the saety mining of No. 5 seam. A four in one comprehensive water preserved cal mining echmology systen with " montoring and forecasting,.advance detection.exploraton and control ombination and comprehensive prevention and control" was provided. The engineeing practices wereconducted in Chenghe Mining Area.The techmnology sysem could guide the safety producion of the mining area and could protect the 375 m water table in Oordovician system.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Weibei Coalfield; water preserved coal mining;Dongjiahe Mine; water inrush coefficient;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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