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  • Title

    Experimental study on hydrogen-rich fuel production from co-pyrolysis of coking-coal tailings and pine

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Yuhuan Zhao Hongyu Liang Xinxing Song Qiang Lyu Junxin Liu Shucheng Shu Yuanfeng Li Suying Shu Xinqian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Energy and Power Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Technology School ofChemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science & Technology Beijing
  • 摘要
    为研究炼焦尾煤与松枝共热解特性及气相产物产率分布规律,采用热分析仪和实验室小型固定床反应器对炼焦尾煤和松枝进行了共热解试验。结果表明:松枝的热失重过程相对于尾煤更为剧烈,当热解温度为900℃时,松枝和尾煤失重率分别为74.33%和13.25%,二者在最大热解失重速率温度区间有部分重叠,炼焦尾煤与松枝共热解有发生协同作用的可能。松枝单独热解时CO、CH4、CO2的产率要高于尾煤单独热解时的产率,但松枝热解H2产率低于尾煤。尾煤热解气相产物总气量中,H2产率比松枝高8.89%,而松枝热解气相产物中CO、CH4和CO2产率要比尾煤分别高出13.93%、4.10%和18.16%。添加不同比例的松枝,H2产率理论计算值的变化趋势与试验值相同,但试验值略高于理论计算值;在低温时CH4产率理论计算值高于试验值,而随着热解温度的升高,CH4产率试验值则高于理论计算值。当松枝添加质量分数为40%时,热解气相产物热值最高,达到9 203.54 k J/kg。
  • Abstract
    In order to explore the co-pyrolysis characteristics and the distribution rule of gas phase products of coking-coaltailings and pine,the co-pyrolysis of tailings and pine with different added proportions were carried out with a fixed bed reactc results showed that the pyrolysis rule of pine was different from coking-cal talings,and the maximum weight loss rate of pine was higher than coking-coal tajlings. When the final pyrolysis temperature was at 900 ℃C,the weight loss ratio of pine and cokingcal tailings were 74.33% and 13.25% respectively.The temperature range during the maximum pyrolysis weight loss rate had some overlap.which led to have a possibility of synergy for the co-pyrolysis of coking-coal tailings and pine.The yield of C0,CH_4 and CO_2were produced from pine alone prolysis was higher thancoking-coal tailings,but the yield of H_2 from pine pyrolysis was lower than coking-coal tailings. The percentage of yield of H 2 in total gas product yield during coking-cal tailings pyrolysis was 8.89% higher than the pine. The yield of CO.CH_4 and Co_2were produced from pine pyrolysiswere 13.93%,4.10% and 18.16% higher than coking-cal tailings respectively.The change tendency of the calculated value of Hl 2 yield was thesame as that of the experimental value,but the experiment value was slightly higher than the calulated value in the diferent proportion of pine.The calculated value of CH_4 yield was higher than the experimental value at low pyrolysis temperature,but the yield of CH_4 was higher than thatof the calculated value with the increase of pyrolysis temperature. When the pine add ratio was 40%,the calorific value of pyrolysis gas products had a maximum,up to 9 203.54 k J/kg.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coking-coal tailings; pine; coal pyrolysis; hydrogen-rich fuel;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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