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  • Title

    Longwall fully-mechanized mining technology on the strike of inclined slicing in high inclined and ultra thick spontaneous combustion tendency coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yun Dongfeng Liu Zhu Cheng Wendong Fan Zhendong Su Puzheng Wang Dongfang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy,Xi'an University of Science and Technology MOE Key Lab of Mining and Disaster Prevention and
    Control in West China Mine School of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Xi'an University of Science and Technology
    Huating Coal Industry Group Company Limited Dongxia Mine,Huating Coal Industry Group Company Limited
  • 摘要
    为了提高矿井资源采出率,解决东峡煤矿同类型赋存煤层的开采技术难题,对其37220工作面采用倾斜分层走向长壁综采放顶煤采煤法。通过理论分析、物理相似模拟、数值模拟及现场观测,对工作面回采巷道布置、"三机"设备选型与配套、矿山压力与顶煤运移规律、工作面围岩应力分布特征与支架稳定性、回采工艺、安全保障技术等进行研究。现场应用结果表明:工作面采用异面空间布置,简化了回采工艺,并提高了支护系统稳定性,基于异面空间布置并采用不同架型的支架能满足工作面生产需要,以"一通三防"为主的安全保障技术有效保障了工作面的安全生产。工作面单产最高达105 kt/月,煤炭采出率89.7%,掘进率25 m/万t,吨煤成本较水平分段放顶煤降低120.95元/t。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the mining rate of mine resources,the mining technical problem of similar formation coal seam in Dongxia Mine was solved and longwall fully- mechanized top coal caving mining method on the strike of inclined slicing was applied to No.37220 coal mining face. The theoretical analysis,physical analog simula tion,numerical simulation and site observation were applied to study on mining roading layout of coal mining face,equipment selection and matching of"three machineries", mine pressure and top coal migration law,surrounding rock stress distribution features and powered support stability of coal mining face ,mining technology,safety protection . technology and others. The site application results showed that different interface space layout was applied to coal mining face ,the mining technology was simplified and th e stability of support system was improved. Based on the different interface space layout,the application of different type powered supports could meet the production requi rements of the coal mining face and the safety protection technology mainly with“the ventilation and gas, coal dust and fire prevention and control"could effectively protect t he safety production of the coal mining face. The max output of coal mining face was 105 Kilotons per month. The mining rate of the seam was 89. 7%,the driving rate was 25 meters per ten kilotans and coal cost per ton was RMB 120. 95 Yuan per tons lower than the horizontal slice top coal caving mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high inclined coal seam; inclined slicing; longwall on the strike; spontaneous combustion seam; fully-mechanized top coal caving mining;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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