• 全部
  • Title

    Image Monitoring System and Key Technology in Underground Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Ji-ping TIAN Z-jian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China University of Mining and Technology ( Beiing)
  • 摘要
    针对矿井图像监视存在的照度低、矿尘大、喷雾影响大、电磁干扰严重等问题,提出了矿井图像监视系统关键技术要求,如煤矿井下摄像机需辅助照明;彩色摄像机应具有彩色/黑白信号自动转换功能,当环境照度较低时,自动转为黑白信号;摄像机宜具有防护玻璃除尘功能;摄像机水平分辨率不小于400线(照度50~300 lx条件下),灰度等级不小于7级(照度50~300 lx条件下),最低照度不大于0.005 lx等。提出应在采掘工作面、井下变电所、带式输送机机头和机尾、井下水泵房等关键场所设置摄像机。同时,指出矿井图像监视技术将在下井人员唯一性识别、煤炭产量监测、防作弊、煤仓煤位监测、水仓水位监测、煤岩识别、带式输送机监测等方面获得广泛应用。
  • Abstract
    Based on the low ilumination, mine dust, spray impact, severe electromagnetic interference and other issues in the mining image monitoring, we put for ward some key technology requirements in the image monitoring system of mine, such as the supplementary lighting of the mining camera; the color or black and white signal automatic conversional function in the color camera, when the ilumination was low, the color camera automatically converts to black and white signals; the prote ctive glass and dust removal function; horizontal resolution of the camera no less than 400 lines ( under the ilumination condition of 50 ~ 300 Ix),gray level no less tha n 7 ( under the ilumination condition of 50 ~ 300 |x) ,minimum ilumination no greater than 0.005 lx, etc. Besides, we suggested that the camera should be installed in mining working face, the underground substation, the head and tail of the belt conveyor, underground water pump room and other key places. Simultaneously, it was poi nted out that the mining image monitoring technology would be widely used in many fields, such as uniquely personnel identification, coal production monitoring, anti- C heating, coal bunker and coal level monitoring, water sump and water level monitoring, coal and rock identification and monitoring of the belt conveyor and others.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    underground mine; image technology; image monitoring technology; video camera;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关文章

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