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  • Title

    Analysis on Hydraulic Support Crushed Mechanism When Fully-Mechanized Coal Mining Face Passed Through Concentrated Coal Pillar Area in Above Seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHOU Hai-feng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Production Management, Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为解决下层煤综采工作面过上覆集中煤柱时易发生压架事故的问题,采用理论分析和现场观测的方法,对石圪台煤矿22301综采工作面过上覆集中煤柱压架事故原因进行分析,揭示压架事故的机理,并提出相应的防治对策。结果表明:在工作面出上覆集中煤柱5~20 m时,上覆岩层会在上覆集中煤柱边界破断,并形成砌体梁式铰接结构,随着工作面的推进,铰接结构的断裂岩块会进一步回转失稳,对下层煤工作面顶板产生冲击作用,容易发生动载矿压现象,导致压架事故的发生。因此,提出了优化工作面开采设计、对上覆集中煤柱实施预裂爆破、工作面调斜、矿压观测等措施,使综采工作面避开应力集中的影响、周期来压强度降低、动载矿压降低,从而达到避免发生压架事故的目的。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the hydraulic support crushed accident occurred when a fully-mechanized coal mining face passed through concentrated coal pillar area in above seam, a theoretical analysis and a site mine pressure observation method were applied to analyze the causes of the hydraulic support crushed accident when No.22301 fully-mechanized coal mining face passed through the coal pillar concentrated area in above seam in Shigetai Mine. The paper revealed the mechanism of th e hydraulic support crushed accident and provided the relevant prevention countermeasures. The results showed that when coal mining face passed through the conce ntrated coal pillar 5 ~ 20m, the overburden strata would be broken at the boundary of the concentrated coal pillar and a lined beam type articulated structure would be f ormed. With the coal mining face pushed forward, the articulated structure formed with the broken rock blocks would have a stability lost by a further rotary movement. Thus an impact role would be occurred to the coal mining face in the low seam, a dynamic mine pressure phenomenon would be easily occurred and a hydraulic suppor t crushed accident would be caused. Therefore the paper provided the measures of the optimized mining design of the coal mining face, pre-fracturing blasting on the C oncentrated coal pllars in the above seam, inclination adjustment of the coal mining face, mine pressure observation and others, the fully-mechanized coal mining face could be kept away from the influences of the stress concentration, the periodical pressure strength was reduced and the dynamic mine pressure was reduced. Finally, t he target to avoid the hydraulic support crushed accident was realized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow depth seam; contigous seams; overlying goaf; concentrated coal pillar; hydraulic support crushed accident;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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