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  • Title

    Gas Drainage Technology of Mining Fractured Zone in High Gassy and Contiguous Seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Jing-en CHENG Zhi-heng QI Qing-xin JI Wen-bo ZHANG-Lang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hunchun Coal Mining Co., Ltd. China Coal Research Institute Co., Ltd. China University of Mining and
    Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
    为了解决沙曲矿近距离高瓦斯煤层群开采过程中瓦斯超限这一难题,运用理论分析和数值分析相结合的方法对沙曲矿南翼4号煤开采采动裂隙演化规律进行了分析,确定了高位裂隙钻孔组的合理布置位置。结果表明:采空区垮落带和裂隙带高度分别为8、36.5 m,贯通裂隙带距工作面顶板垂高8~23 m,非贯通裂隙带距工作面顶板垂高23~42 m,工作面上方22 m左右裂隙分布密集且覆岩整体结构相对稳定,将钻孔延深至该区域能有效提高瓦斯抽采的浓度、抽采量和稳定性。现场实践表明:利用DDR-1200型千米定向钻机,将钻孔布置在距工作面上方22 m处时,瓦斯抽采效果明显,平均瓦斯抽采体积分数90.68%,平均瓦斯抽采纯量达11.58 m3/min。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve gas content over limit problem occurred in a coal mining process of high gassy and contiguous seams, a theoretical analysis and numer ical analysis combined method was applied to analyse the mining cracking evolution law of No.4 seam mining in the south wing of Shaqu Mine and the rational layout of the high level cracking drill hole group was determined.The results showed that a roof falling zone and a cracking zone in the goaf were 8 m and 36.5 m in height indivi dually, there was a vertical height of 8 ~ 23 m from the cracking zone connected to the roof of coal mining face.There was a vertical height of 23 ~ 42 m from a cracking zone no connection to the roof of the coal mining face. The cracks was closely distributed and the complete structure of overburden strata were relative stable in the roo f about 22 m above the coal mining face.A drill hole expanded to this region would effectively improve the concentration of the gas drainage, increase the drainage qua ntity and have a stable gas drainage operation.The site practices showed that with the application of a DDR-1200 mode over 1 000 m directional drilling equipment, drill ing holes were made about 22 m above the coal mining face. The gas drainage effect was remarkable, the average concentration of the gas drained was 90.68%, the av erage pure volume was 11 .58 m3/min.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high gassy and contiguous seams; fractured zone; gas drainage; caving zone;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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