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  • Title

    Study on Simulation on Soft Start Process of Mine High Power Scraper Conveyor

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    According to the starting difficult, imbalance of multi driving power and other major problems existed in the scraper conveyor, a kinetics model on the dri ving system of the scraper conveyor was established and a simulation model was established based on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. Taking 2x855 kW scraper conve yor as an example, a numerical simulation was conducted on the soft start process of scraper conveyor.The paper had an analysis on the flow of the flld liquid in the C oupling, rated speed of the eclectic motor, radius of the sprocket and chain damping affected to the soft start of scraper conveyor.The results showed that the rational fil led liquid flow could fully uillize the peak torque of the electric motor and improve the start torque of coupling. The rated speed of the electric motor and the sprocket rad ius difference would have high influences to the non-uniformity of the power distribution for the driving motors at the head and tail of the conveyor.The chain damping w ould determine the damped oscillation fast-slow of the chain speed in the scraper conveyor.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    scraper conveyor;valve controlled type hydraulic coupling;soft start;numerical simulation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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