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  • Title

    Internal Structural Parts Affected to Improve Fine Coal Separation Performances of Turbulence Bed

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  • 摘要
    为提高干扰床对细粒煤的分选性能,在干扰床内加入内构件,对比分析了加入内构件前后干扰床的分选效果。结果表明,对于灰分21.57%的1.50~0.25 mm细粒煤,为使精煤灰分不超过10.00%,普通干扰床的表观水速不宜超过23.50 mm/s,所得精煤灰分和精煤产率分别为9.00%、72.56%,可能偏差Ep为0.123 g/cm3。在相同试验条件下,加入内构件的干扰床在一定程度上能抑制煤粒的错配效应,强化了煤粒基于密度差异分离的趋势,提高了干扰床的分选性能,所得精煤灰分和精煤产率分别为8.83%、80.12%,可能偏差Ep为0.085 g/cm3。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the fine coal separation performance of the turbulence bad, an internal structural part was fixed in the turbulence bed in order to impr ove the separation effect.A comparison analysis was conducted on the separation effects of the turbulence bed before and after the internal structural parts fixed.The re sults showed that as for 1.500.25 mm fine coal with ash content of 21.57%, in order to make the cleaned coal with ash content not over 10.00%, the superficial water ve locity of the conventional turbulence bed should not be over 23.50 mm/s, the ash content of the cleaned coal and the cleaned coal production rate were 9.00% and 72.5 6% individually and the probable error Ep value was 0.123 g/cm3.Under the same test conditions, the turbulence bed with the internal structural parts could restrain the misplacement effect of the coal particle in certain degrees, the coal particle based on the density different separation tendency could be enhanced and the separation p erformance of the turbulence bed could be improved. Thus the cleaned coal ash content and the cleaned coal production rate would be 8.83% and 80.12% and the Ep V alue was 0.085 g/cm3.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    turbulence bed;internal structural parts;fine coal;separation;

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