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  • Title

    Experimental Research on Sodium Silicate Chemical Grouting Material with Low Viscosity

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  • 摘要
    为解决煤矿深部基岩段微裂隙和孔隙性含水地层注浆困难的问题,对溶液型水玻璃化学注浆材料进行了研究。采用正交试验研究了水玻璃模数、水玻璃体积分数、乙二醇二乙酸酯体积分数对浆液胶凝时间、黏度及浆液固砂体抗压强度的影响。正交试验表明:影响浆液胶凝时间最显著的因素为乙二醇二乙酸酯体积分数;影响浆液黏度及固砂体抗压强度最显著的因素皆为水玻璃体积分数。试验结果表明:采用乙二醇二乙酸酯作为水玻璃的胶凝剂可以得到结石体强度较高(约1MPa)、胶凝时间可调(5~30 min)、黏度较低(≤6 mPa.s)的新型水玻璃浆液。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the grouting difficulty with particle grout material in micro fissures and porosity aquifer of deep base rock in the coal mine, a study on th e chemical grouting material of solution type sodium silicate was conducted.The orthogonal experiment was applied to study the modulus of sodium silicate, the volume fraction of sodium silicate, the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol glacial acetic acid affected to the gelatinous time of the grout, the viscosity and the compressive strength of the grout consolidated sand mass.The orthogonal experiment showed that the most obvious factor affected to the gelatinous time of the grout was the volume fractio n of ethy| alcohol glacial acetic acid and the most obvious factor affected to the grout viscosity and the compressive strength of the consolidated sand mass was the vol ume.The experiment results showed that to take ethyl alcohol glacial acetic acid as the gelatinizing agent of sodium silicate could have a new sodium silicate grout with a higher compressive strength (about 1 MPa) of consolidated rock mass, an adjustable gelatinous time (5 ~ 30 min) and a lower viscosity (≤6 mPa.s) .
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    grouting;sodium silicate;ethyl alcohol glacial acetic acid;orthogonal experiment;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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