• 全部
  • Title

    Impact of inherent minerals on the yield and properties of char from pyrolysis of the lignite with high ash content

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Changlun,WANG Yonggang,LIN Xiongchao,YANG Yuanping,TIAN Zhen,WU Xin

  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要
    利用分选、酸洗和添加矿物的方法制备出不同灰含量和矿物成分的褐煤煤样;使用沉降管反应器(DTR)和热重分析仪(TGA)研究内在矿物在800~1 200℃对褐煤热解的影响。结果表明,内在矿物可以降低褐煤的热解反应活性,增加低温(800℃)热解焦收率;碱金属和碱土金属(AAEM)是起主要作用的矿物成分。在高温条件下(≥1 000℃),内在矿物可通过催化原位水蒸气气化反应降低焦收率。焦收率的减少量正相关于煤样的灰分含量和内水含量,以及碱性金属总量。Raman光谱分析表明,内在矿物有延缓半焦微晶结构有序化和抑制交联键断裂的作用。内在矿物可促进半焦孔结构的形成,增大半焦的比表面积;钙为起主要作用的矿物成分。随热解温度的上升,过多的矿物会抑制半焦孔结构的进一步扩展。
  • Abstract
    In order to investigate the impact of inherent minerals on pyrolysis for lignite with high ash content,some py- rolysis experiments were conducted in Drop Tube Reactor and Thermogravimetric analyzer at 800 -1 200 ℃ . Lignite samples containing different ash and mineral compositions were prepared by separation,acid demineralization and min- eral addition. Results show that the inherent minerals could reduce the pyrolysis reactivity of lignite and increase the char yield at low temperature (800 ℃ );AAEM played a major role. While at high temperature (≥1 000 ℃ ),the in- herent minerals reduced the char yield by in-situ catalyzed steam-gasification. The reduction in char yield was directly related to the ash and internal water content of coal samples,as well as the total amount of basic metals. Raman analy- sis showed the inherent minerals can disorder the microcrystalline structure of char and inhibit the fracture of cross- linking bonds. The surface of char was increased by Ca as the main role of inherent mineral composition. With the py- rolysis temperature increasing,the excessive mineral will inhibit the further expansion of porosity for chars.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lignite;inherent minerals;pyrolysis;char yield;microstructure

  • DOI
  • Citation
    LI Changlun,WANG Yonggang,LIN Xiongchao,et al. Impact of inherent minerals on the yield and properties of char from pyrolysis of the lignite with high ash content[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(8):2157-2163.
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