• 全部
  • Title

    Dynamic photoelastic investigation of interaction of normal incidence blasting stress waves with running cracks

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Renshu1,2 ,CHEN Cheng1 ,YUE Zhongwen1 ,WANG Xu3 ,XU Peng1 ,DING Chenxi1

  • Organization
    1. School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. State Key Laboratory for Geome- chanics & Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 3. China Communications Construc- tion Group Design Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100079,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    Dynamic photoelasticity was utilized in an experiment to study the interaction of normal incidence blasting stress waves with a running crack. Photoelastic isochromatic fringe pattern of the interaction of normal incidence blas- ting stress waves with a running crack was obtained. Experimental data were analyzed to study the effect of the normal incidence of stress wave on the dynamic stress intensity factor,crack propagation velocity and crack growth trajectory at the crack tip. The results indicate that the normal blasting stress wave has no effect on the propagation direction of crack,but it has a significant time-dependent inhibition or enhancement effect on the dynamic stress intensity factor and velocity of the crack tip. The crack propagation velocity and the stress intensity factor at the crack tip are sup- pressed when the forward impinging P wave front compressive pulse phase interacts with the running crack. The crack propagation velocity and the stress intensity factor at the crack tip increase when the normal incident P wave tail tensile pulse phase and S wave interacts with the running crack.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    dynamic photoelasticity;normal incidence;blasting stress wave;running crack

  • DOI
  • Citation
    YANG Renshu,CHEN Cheng,YUE Zhongwen,et al. Dynamic photoelastic investigation of interaction of normal incidence blasting stress waves with running cracks[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(1):87-94.
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