• 全部
  • Title

    Dynamic zero-velocity update technology to shearer inertial navigation positioning

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Shijia1,2 ,WANG Shibo1,2 ,ZHANG Boyuan1,2 ,GE Shirong1,2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China; 2. Intelligent Mining Equipment Col-laborative Innovation Center,China University of Mining & Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China
  • 摘要

    基于捷联惯性导航与轴编码器组合的采煤机惯性导航定位是综采工作面可行的采煤机定位技术。惯性导航提供姿态角参数,轴编码器提供速度参数,采煤机惯性导航定位利用航位推算算法解算出东北天坐标系下的位置坐标。为了进一步提高定位精度,在消除确定性偏差的基础上,根据惯性导航姿态误差方程,以东、北、天3个方向的平台失准角为状态量构建状态方程,根据动态零速修正技术的非完整约束条件,以采煤机坐标系横向和垂直方向速度值为观测量构建量测方程,建立卡尔曼滤波模型,并进行移动平台模拟采煤机运行试验验证。在试验条件下,第3刀导航东、北方向最大误差分别由0.639 7,0.856 7 m减小为0.456 4,0.594 2 m。第4刀导航东、北方向最大误差分别由0.644 4,0.910 6 m减小为0.466 5,0.603 0 m。东、北方向定位精度提升了30%。

  • Abstract

    Shearer inertial navigation positioning based on strap down inertial navigation and encoder is a feasible posi- tioning technology for a longwall mining face. Inertial navigation provides attitude angles and encoder provides speed. The shearer inertial navigation positioning calculates the position of east,north and down using the dead reckoning al- gorithm. Based on the elimination of deterministic deviation,a kalman filter model was built according to inertial navi- gation error equation and the non-holonomic constraints of dynamic zero-velocity up-data technology (DZUPT) in or- der to improve the positioning accuracy. The state vectors were the platform angular errors of east,north and down. The measurement vectors were the speeds of the horizontal and vertical direction in the shearer coordinate. The kalman fil- ter model was verified through field tests. In the third navigation,the maximum errors in the east and north decreased respectively from 0. 639 7 m,0. 856 7 m to 0. 456 4 m,0. 594 2 m. In the fourth navigation,the maximum errors in the east and north decreased respectively from 0. 644 4 m,0. 910 6 m to 0. 466 5 m,0. 603 0 m. The positioning accuracy in the east and north increased by 30% .

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shearer;inertial navigation;dynamic zero-velocity updata technology;Kalman filter

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Shijia,WANG Shibo,ZHANG Boyuan,et al. Dynamic zero-velocity update technology to shearer inertial navigation positioning[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(2):578-583.
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