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  • Title

    Study on preparation of La-loaded active alumina andfactors affecting fluoride removal for fluorine-containing wastewater

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHENG Lixiang,GAO Jie,YANG Jianchao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hangzhou Environmental Protection Research Institute,China Coal Technology & Engineering Group,Hangzhou ,China
  • 摘要
    为了提高活性氧化铝除氟性能和拓展矿井水除氟应用领域,采用浸渍焙烧法对活性氧化铝进行改性,制备载镧改性活性氧化铝,并对其制备条件和除氟影响因素进行了试验研究。研究结果表明:当硝酸镧浸渍摩尔浓度0.15 mol/L,焙烧温度350℃,焙烧时间2.5 h,吸附性能达到最佳;载镧活性氧化铝投加质量浓度2.0 g/L,吸附时间120 min,pH值为6.5~7.5,搅拌转速180 r/min时,对12.0mg/L含氟废水的去除率达93%。载镧活性氧化铝吸附除氟过程中浓度对数与反应时间ln C-t曲线服从线性相关,宏观吸附动力学属于一级反应。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the fluoride removal performance of activated alumina and expand the application of mine water defluorination,the active alumina adsorbent was modified by lanthanum and the La-loaded active alumina was prepared by impregnation roasting.The preparation conditions were discussed.The adsorption properties were studied in removing fluorine from wastewater.The results show that the adsorption performance is the best when the La(NO3)3 concentration is 0.15 mol/L,the roasting temperature is 350 ℃ and the roasting time is 2.5 h.The removal rate of 12.0 mg/L fluoride wastewater is 93% when the adsorbent dosage is 2.0 g/L,the adsorption time is 120 min,the pH value is 6.5~7.5 and the stir speed is 180 r/min.The ln C-t curve in the process of adsorption and fluoride removal with La-loaded activated alumina is basically linearly related and the adsorption belongs to the first-order reaction in macroscopic adsorption kinetics.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine water;fluorine-containing wastewater;fluoride removal;La-loaded activated alumina;adsorption performence

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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