• 全部
  • Title

    Study on roof failure characteristics of roadway under non-uniform stress

  • 作者


  • Author

    DU Huayi,SI Yanlong,LI Chunyuan,WEI Wensheng

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 资源与安全工程学院中国华能集团有限公司中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院

  • Organization
    1.Faculty of Resources and Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing), Beijing , China; 2.China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., Beijing , China;3.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, University ofMining and Technology(Beijing), Beijing , China
  • 摘要

    针对红庆梁煤矿回风大巷掘进过程中受非均匀应力影响,顶板出现台阶下沉和局部冒落等问题,借助地质雷达探测了巷道围岩松动圈的范围,利用离散元软件模拟巷道侧压变化,研究了非均匀应力对巷道围岩应力和变形破坏特征的影响,并提出了相应围岩条件的巷道支护对策。研究结果表明:受地应力非均匀分布影响,回风大巷围岩破坏范围不对称,顶板、南帮和北帮松动圈范围分别为1.7、2.0、1.2 m,稳定性随松动圈范围增大而降低;在断层作用下,顶板两侧呈现非均匀沉降,靠近非均匀应力一侧垂直位移和应力峰值明显增加,破坏深度和平均宽度分别增加了150%和117%;且顶板失稳冒落的时间提前,冒落范围扩大,变形破坏持续时间增加。

  • Abstract
    In view of the non-uniform stress during excavation process in the return air roadway of Hongqingliang Mine, the roof has problems such as roof bench convergence and local caving,the geological radar was used to detect the range of surrounding rock loose range, and the discrete element software was used to simulate on lateral pressure change of roadway. The effects of non-uniform stress on the surrounding rock stress distribution and deformation characteristics of the roadway were studied, and the roadway support countermeasures for the surrounding rock conditions were proposed. The results show that surrounding rock failure range is asymmetrical in main return air roadway due to the non-uniform distribution of ground stress. The range of roof, south and north gang loose ranges are 1.7, 2.0 and 1.2 m respectively. The stability decreases as the range of loose ranges increases; under the action of non-uniform stress, the two roadway-sides of roof show the non-uniform settlement, the vertical displacement and stress peak near faults increase obviously, the failure depth and average width increase by 150% and 117% respectively; moreover, the roof falling is advanced and its range is expanded, the duration of deformation and failure also increases.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    roadway support; roof condition; surrounding rock loose range; geological radar; non-uniform stress

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 图表
    • 地质雷达工作示意

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