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  • Title

    Ecological indexes extraction and safety assessment of coal mining area based on RS and GIS:taking Jiaozuo Coal Mining Area as an example

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Hebing,ZHANG Ke,LIU Pei,YU Zhiyuan,ZHAO Jiawei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Key Laboratory of Spatial-temporal Information and Ecological Restoration of Mines(MNR),Henan Poly-technic University,Jiaozuo ,China;2.School of Surveying and Mapping Land Information Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo ,China;3.School of Urban Construction,Henan polytechnic institute,Nanyang ,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    In order to evaluate the ecological security status of coal mining area in a timely and efficient manner,the methodology of remote sensing (RS),geographic information system (GIS),and spatial landscape pattern analyzing were chosen to expand the pressure-state-response (PSR) model to build a pressure-state-response-pattern (PSRP) model in this research.The ecological security status of Jiaozuo Mining Area of 33 years (1993—2026) was evaluated and the dynamic changes were simulated and analyzed.Taking the remote sensing satellite image as the main data source,the remotely sensed data captured in 1993,2004,and 2018 and social and economic statistics data over the study area were selected to extract the building area index,normalized difference vegetation index,and ecological elasticity,greenness index,biological richness index,humidity index,fragmentation index,urban expansion intensity,dryness index,population density,diversity index,et al,12 key technical indicators.And then the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was selected to determine the indicators in the three-layer security evaluation system,the target layer,the criterion layer,and the indicator layer,and further calculates the weight of 12 indicators to evaluate ecological security.Finally,the CA-Markov model was used to simulate and obtain result of 2026 to conduct ecological security in the research area and to simulate and analyze ecological security situation and trends in future.The results demonstrate that:①the use of remote sensing technology can effectively extract most of the indicators used for ecological security evaluation(11 of the 12 indicators in this study were directly extracted from remote sensing data),and they have better extraction accuracy and basic indicators.The accuracy of the land use/cover classification is better than 92%; ②The CA-Markov model can simulate and predict the land use/cover change trend.The prediction accuracy of the selected three-phase data set in this experiment reaches 83%; ③In the past 20 years,Jiaozuo has experienced the largest changes in bare land and building landscapes,with relatively small changes in water and vegetation landscapes.Different types of ground cover have been affected by human production and life.④From 1993 to 2018,the overall ecological security status of Jiaozuo City declined sharply,and then reached a gentle and stable state.Among them,the ecological status showed a downward trend from 1993 to 2004,and the ecological status from 2004 to 2018 did not change significantly.⑤For typical mining areas,in 1993,The entire mining area is still in a stable and safe state.By 2004,due to the large amount of mining activities,part of the area has changed from a stable to a critical state in 1993.While due to the successive closure of the mining area,the ecological security status of the mining area has not changed much since 2018 compared to 2004.Prediction result by CA-Markov model shown that by 2026 there will be a slight downward trend,and the typical mining area and Jiaozuo area will show the same ecological security level distribution and change trend.The research results can provide technical support for maintaining the original balance of the mining area and its surrounding ecological environment and guiding the rational exploitation and utilization of the mining area resources.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    remote sensing;ecological indexes;landscape pattern;ecological security assessment;Jiaozuo Coal Mining Area

  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • PSRP生态安全评价模型

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