• 全部
  • Title

    Pose recognition method of roadheader based on multifrequency continuous-wave phase-difference ranging

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Xiaoguang1 ,YANG Yue1 ,SUN Yanjing1 ,LI Song1 ,TIAN Zhijian2 ,DING Enjie1,3

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 信息与控制学院徐工消防安全装备有限公司中国矿业大学 物联网(感知矿山)研究中心

  • Organization
    1. School of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou   221116, China; 2. XCMG Fire-fighting Safety Equipment Co. ,Ltd. ,Xuzhou  221004,China; 3. Internet of Things (Perception Mine) Research Center,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China
  • 摘要

    随着矿山生产过程的日趋无人/ 少人化,采掘装备位姿识别技术对煤矿井下安全生产和机器协同工作具有重要意义。 

    为了解决在空间受限的复杂掘进作业环境下,电磁波频繁反射和散射会造成密集多径和大相位误差问题,采用无源宽带谐波标签生成可利用的谐波信号,建立基于非线性二次谐波反向散射的抗干扰模型,通过上、下行链路的频率分集,抑制矿井密集多径干扰;通过基于距离的几何定位方法,提出连贯发射宽带多频连续波(Coherent Sending Broadband MultifrequencyContinuous-Wave,CSMCW)相位差测距算法,来解决大相位误差条件下的测距、定位和识别的准确性难题。 并以掘进机为例,研究了基于 CSMCW 相位差测距的无源掘进机位姿识别方法。 

    为了验证上述理论和算法的可行性,设定了长宽高为 105 m×4 m×3 m 的掘进机仿真实验场景,分别对谐波标签抗干扰性能、CSMCW 相位差测距和掘进机位姿识别效果进行了仿真测试。 

    仿真结果表明:采用无源宽带谐波标签,与传统无源标签相比可以获得更大的信干比,具有较强的顽健性,能够有效抑制纳秒级密集多径干扰;与二次相差测距算法、参差频差测距算法相比,基于谐波反向散射抗干扰模型的 CSMCW 测距算法具有更强的鲁棒性,在低信噪比条件下定位测距可达到厘米级的分辨率,保证了掘进机位姿姿态角的识别;信噪比(SNR)= -5 dB、测量距离为 100 m 时,基于提出的多频连续波相位差测距的位姿识别方法得到掘进机航向角、俯仰角、横滚角最大误差精度约为2. 3°,能够满足未来的应用要求。

  • Abstract
    As the mine production process becomes increasingly unmanned / less humanization, the pose recognition technology of mining equipment is of great significance to the safe production of coal mine and machine cooperation. In order to solve the problems of dense multipath and large phase errors caused by the frequency reflection and scattering of electromagnetic waves in a complex driving environment with limited space,an anti-interference model based on nonlinear second-harmonic backscattering is established using the passive broadband harmonic tag which is used to generate an available harmonic signal,realizing the frequency diversity of uplink and downlink to suppress dense mul- tipath interference of the mine. Using the geometric positioning method based on distance,a Coherent Sending broad- band Multifrequency Continuous-wave (CSMCW) phase difference ranging algorithm is proposed to solve the problems of accuracy in ranging,positioning and recognition under the condition of large phase error. Taking the roadheader as an example,the passive pose recognition method of a roadheader based on CSMCW phase difference ranging is stud- ied. In order to verify the feasibility of the above theory and algorithm,a simulation experimental scene of a roadheader with a length,width,and height of 105 m×4 m×3 m was established,and the anti-interference performance of the har- monic tags,CSMCW phase difference ranging,and the pose recognition effect of the roadheader were simulated. Simu- lation results show that compared with traditional passive tags,using passive broadband harmonic tags can obtain a lar- ger signal-to-interference ratio,which has stronger robustness and can effectively suppress nanosecond dense multipath interference. Compared with the quadratic phase difference ranging algorithm and the staggered frequency difference ranging algorithm,the CSMCW ranging algorithm based on the harmonic backscattering anti-interference model is more robust,and the positioning range can reach the centimeter resolution under the condition of low signal-to-noise ratio, which ensures the attitude angle recognition of a roadheader. When the SNR = -5 dB and the measurement distance is 100 m,the maximum error of the heading angle,pitch angle and roll angle of the roadheader is about 2. 3° based on the proposed multifrequency continuous-wave phase-difference ranging method for the pose recognition of a roadhead- er,which can meet future applications.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pose recognition;multi-frequency continuous-wave;harmonic backscattering;phase-difference ranging

  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHANG Xiaoguang,YANG Yue,SUN Yanjing,et al. Pose recognition method of roadheader based on multifrequency continuous-wave phase-difference ranging [ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45 ( 6 ):2056 - 2064.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 无源RFID掘进机机身位姿识别模型

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