• 全部
  • Title

    Research status and prospect of advanced technology of roadway excavation cutting and drilling equipment

  • 作者


  • Author

    MAO Jun,DONG Yufeng,LU Jinnan,LI Yuqi,ZHANG Hongyu,XIE Miao,WU Xia, LIU Zhixiang,WANG He,TIAN Bo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Research Institute of Technology and Equipment for the Exploitation and Utilization of Mineral Resources,Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In order to respond to the development of intelligent coal mine,and to improve the status quo of intel-lectualized and unmanned development of fully mechanized heading face lagging behind the comprehensive mining face,four advanced technologies of cutting and drilling equipment,namely,self-determination directional cutting,autonomous cruise of driving equipment,health management technology of roadheader and intelligent cooperative control technology of multi-machine and multi-process,are proposed and the research direction is given.Aiming at the technology of autonomous and qualitative directional cutting of drivage equipment,this paper studies the influence law of cutting track planning of different drivage equipment,the effect of vibration characteristics of fuselage on the track error of cutting head and the analysis method of roof stability of roadway under different drivage speeds.The control of self-determination and directional cutting of drivage equipment is realized by studying the technology of position and posture monitoring,constant power cutting and memory cutting.The digital twin virtual model of roadheader is constructed by data mining system,and the remote automatic cutting control of the roadheader is realized by using the virtual control platform of the roadheader.Through the envi-ronmental awareness technology of the roadway,the three-dimensional model of the roadway is constructed and the safety of the roadway is indicated.The 3D point cloud model of roadway is formed by laser scanning and many algorithms.The technologies of laser,communication,vision and inertia sensors are combined with each other,and the high-precision roadway perception can be realized by using a variety of fusion algorithms.The gas monitoring and water exploration are carried out by using the on-going measurement system.The technologies of visual perception,laser ranging,total station and ultra wideband positioning are integrated into the equipment positioning system of underground roadway,and the position and posture of roadheader in the roadway are monitored in real time.Based on the development of the health management technology of the roadheader,the shortcomings of the technology of the health management of the roadheader in three aspects of the technology of fault warning,fault diagnosis and life evaluation are summarized.In view of the challenges,the multi-source data fusion technology of monitoring information across time and space,the coupling mechanism between roadheader and cross-section rock stratum,emergency risk identification model and self-learning health management system are proposed as four scientific problems to be solved.Through the multi-sensor information fusion technology,the control methods of cutting unit and temporary support unit of heading system are studied.The analysis and processing of multi-source information and optimization strategy are analyzed.Taking the automatic cutting system and the advanced temporary support moving frame system as an example,the operation mechanism of multi-sensor information fusion is clarified.The technical difficulties of multi-process collaborative control and two key points to be solved for achieving this goal are presented.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    roadway excavation;environmental perception;fixed orientation cutting;independent cruise;health management system;multi-process consensus control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 掘进装备自主定形定向截割技术

       1.1 掘进装备截割路径及截割速度规划

       1.2 自主定形定向截割控制技术

       1.3 掘进机远程自主截割控制技术

    2 掘进装备自主巡航技术

       2.1 掘进巷道环境感知技术

       2.2 掘进装备自主移动导航技术

    3 掘进机健康管理技术

       3.1 故障预警技术

       3.2 故障诊断技术

       3.3 剩余寿命评估技术

       3.4 拟解决的科学问题

    4 多机多工序智能协同控制技术

       4.1 设备自感知技术

       4.2 系统各单元控制方法

       4.3 多工序协同控制技术难点

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    MAO Jun,DONG Yufeng,LU Jinnan,et al.Research status and prospect of advanced technology of roadway excavation cutting and drilling equipment[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(7):2084-2099.
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  • 图表
    • 截割头定位立体视觉系统安装示意

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