• 全部
  • Title

    Model and technical framework of smart flexible coal development supply system

  • 作者

    王国法 赵路正 庞义辉 吴立新 管世辉

  • Author

    WANG Guofa, ZHAO Luzheng, PANG Yihui, WU Lixin, GUAN Shihui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute Co., Ltd.,; China Coal Research Institute;Coal Industry Planning Institute
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Aiming at the problem of safe and stable supply of coal in China, this paper systematically analyzes the contradiction of unbalanced development and supply of coal resources and the uncertainty of demand change, analyzes the main problems existing in improving the ability of high-quality and stable supply of coal, and puts forward the technical system and construction idea of smart flexible coal development-supply. The technical connotation and characteristics of intelligent flexible coal development-supply system are systematically analyzed, and the concept of flexible coal development and supply is put forward, which comprehensively considers the flexible coefficient of coal production capacity and the flexible coefficient of coal transportation and marketing capacity. The response model of smart flexible coal development and supply is established by operational research methods. The national coal supply and demand monitoring and early warning platform/center should be built based on the Internet of Things, block chain and other technologies, and distributed technology is used to monitor and analyze the data of the whole coal industry chain, predict the flexibility of coal development and supply, and determine the optimal supply plan of the supply chain composed of coal mines, transportation and distribution centers and consumption areas.This paper analyzes the core elements of building a supply system for the smart flexible coal development-supply, coal supply and demand is studied based on the national monitoring and early warning platform/center of coal supply support intelligent flexible development technology system, mainly including production side supporting technology, transportation and supporting technology, the consumption end support and foundation platform support technology,smart flexible coal development-supply operation mode is proposed.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    smart flexible development-supply response model;flexibility factor; production system flexibility;coal transport flexibility; smart coal mining

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 煤炭高质量稳定供给需求分析

       1.1 煤炭高质量稳定供给现状与挑战

       1.2 煤炭高质量稳定供给需求与趋势

    2 煤炭智能柔性开发供给响应模型

       2.1 煤炭智能柔性开发供给体系内涵与特征

       2.2 煤炭开发供给柔性度

       2.3 煤炭智能柔性开发供给响应模型

    3 煤炭智能柔性开发供给技术体系

       3.1 煤炭智能柔性开发供给体系核心要素

       3.2 煤炭智能柔性开发供给支撑技术

    4 煤炭智能柔性开发供给运行模式

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    WANG Guofa,ZHAO Luzheng,PANG Yihui,et al.Smart flexible supply system model and technical framework of coal development[J].Coal Science and Technology,2021,49(12):1-10.
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