Research progress of integrated coal gasification fuel cell combinedpower generation (IGFC) technology
WANG Qi, YANG Zhibin, LI Chufu, LEI Ze, LIU Shuqin
整体煤气化燃料电池联合发电技术(IGFC)是一种新型煤基洁净高效发电技术,不考虑热电联供的情况下,发电效率达60%以上,可有效控制污染物的排放,为CO2捕集和回收创造了条件,可实现CO2的近零排放。IGFC系统一般由煤气化净化、燃料电池发电、余热回收及CO2捕集和封存等子系统构成,其中燃料电池发电技术是制约IGFC发展的关键技术。固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)及熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC)是适配IGFC系统的2种燃料电池技术,其中SOFC在生产成本及发电效率方面更具优越性。2017年国家能源集团牵头,联合中国矿业大学(北京)、北京低碳清洁能源研究院、华能清洁能源技术研究院、清华大学等,在国家重点研发计划项目支持下承担了开发100 kW级SOFC和MCFC发电单元,建成MWth级CO2近零排放的IGFC示范工程任务,项目成果推动了我国IGFC系统从基础技术研发向产业化迈进的步伐。
Integrated coal gasification fuel cell combined power generation technology (IGFC), whose power efficiency can exceed 60% without considering cogeneration, is a new clean and efficient power generation technology of coal-based. Moreover, it can effectively control the emission of pollutants, create conditions for the capture and recovery of CO2, and realize near zero emission of CO2. IGFC system is generally composed of coal gasification & purification, fuel cell power generation, waste heat recovery, CO2 capture and storage and other subsystems. Fuel cell power generation technology is the key technology that restricts the development of IGFC. Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) are both of the fuel cell technologies suitable for IGFC system. SOFC has more advantages in cost of production and power generation efficiency. In 2017, China Energy Group, together with China University of mining and Technology-Beijing, National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy, China Huaneng Group Clean Energy Research Institute and Tsinghua University, undertook the National Key R&D Program of China, which includes the development of 100 kW SOFC and MCFC power generation units, and the building of MWth IGFC demonstration project with near zero CO2 emission. The project achievements have promoted the pace of China′s IGFC system from basic technology R&D to industrialization.
Integrated coal gasification fuel cell;combined power generation technology;coal gasification and purification;solid oxide fuel cell;CO2 capture and storage
0 引言
1 IGFC关键技术
1.1 煤气化及净化
1.2 高温燃料电池技术
1.3 余热回收利用及CO2捕集与转化
2 IGFC研究进展
2.1 国际IGFC技术发展现状
2.2 IGFC技术的国内发展现状
3 IGFC发展面临的挑战
4 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会