Numerical simulation of biomass coupled by pulverized coal boiler in 300 MW power station
ZHAO Xiaojun,WANG Xuebin,SUN Jinyu,XUE Dongfa
生物质作为零碳排放的可再生能源,被视为良好的燃煤替代燃料,与煤粉耦合燃烧是实现生物质利用的关键技术。为研究煤粉耦合掺烧生物质的影响,对300 MW电站煤粉锅炉耦合掺烧生物质进行了数值模拟,讨论了生物质掺烧比例和送粉温度对炉内参数的影响规律。结果表明,随着生物质掺烧比例增加,炉膛内氧气消耗量下降,CO及焦炭浓度降低,而NOx排放因生物质中N元素高而有所增加。降低生物质送粉温度在一定程度上导致主燃区O2体积分数升高,CO体积分数降低,对于炉膛内部各参数的影响总体不显著,因此在生物质混烧的工程中可以适当降低送粉温度而不对炉内燃烧的稳定性造成较大影响。
Biomass,as a renewable source with zero carbon emission,is regarded as a promising alternative fuel to coal. Coupling combustion with pulverized coal is one of the key technologies to realize the utilization of biomass. In order to study the influence of pulverized coal coupling combustion of biomass,the coupling combustion of biomass in a pulverized coal boiler of 300 MW power station was numerically simulated,and the effects of biomass mixing ratio and powder feeding temperature on the parameters in the furnace were discussed. The results show that as the proportion of biomass increases,the oxygen consumption in the furnace decreases,and the concentration of CO and char decreases,while the NOx emission increases at outlet. A lower temperature input of biomass only causes a slight increase of oxygen concentration and a decrease of CO concentration in the main combustion area,which has no significant change to the parameters in the furnace. It means that a slight adjustment of biomass feeding temperature could not cause a significant influence for combustion in the furnace.
computational fluid dynamics;biomass utilization;biomass co-firing;combustion characteristic;biomass feeding temperature
0 引言
1 模型及设置
1.1 炉膛结构参数和燃料特性
1.2 几何模型建立及网格划分
1.3 计算方法和模型设置
1.4 模拟工况与边界条件
2 锅炉耦合掺烧生物质模拟结果及分析
2.1 生物质掺烧比例的影响
2.2 送粉温度的影响
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会