Research progress of biomass blending technology in pulverized coal furnace for power generation
ZHOU Yi,ZHANG Shouyu,LANG Sen,LIU Simeng,YANG Jifan,MA Dafu,HU Nan,WU Yuxin
Under the pressure of carbon peak and carbon neutralization emission reduction,biomass has attracted much attention due to its characteristics of wide source,abundant reserves,clean and low-carbon emissions. There are many kinds of biomass,including straw,forestry waste,livestock manure,domestic waste and waste oil. Biomass blending in coal-fired power plants can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions and strengthen the flexibility transformation of boiler fuel side. The characteristics of biomass were introduced,and the characteristics of combustion,slagging and pollutant emissions of biomass blending in pulverized were summarized. The technical routes and transformation cost of biomass blending in pulverized coal boiler were summarized and compared. Lastly,the technical barriers and solutions to co-combustion of biomass in pulverized coal boiler were discussed. Agroforestry biomass has high volatiles and good reactivity. Blending this kind of biomass can improve the fuel combustion performance and increase the combustion stability of the boiler. However,the alkali metal content in biomass is high,and it is easy to cause serious slagging when blending. The ash melting temperature and alkali metal content in fuel are important indicators for predicting boiler slagging. The sulfur content,nitrogen content,ash content and heavy metal content of agricultural and forestry biomass are low. The combustion of blending biomass can reduce SOx,NOx,soot and heavy metal emission. Sludge biomass has high moisture content,high heavy metal content,low calorific value,and less combustion characteristics than coal,so it is usually to have a bad influence on combustion and pollutant emission,but the direct blending sludge below 10% (mass ratio) has little effect on the unit. The biomass gas generated from the gasification of livestock manure,domestic waste and waste oil can play a role in stabilizing combustion in pulverized coal furnace and reduce SOx,NOx,soot and heavy metal emissions. The direct coupling scheme of biomass and coal coupling power generation technology is more suitable for the co-combustion of agricultural and forestry waste. The indirect coupling co-combustion is more suitable for the co-combustion of livestock manure and domestic waste,while sludge co-combustion needs to be dried. It is believed that the compressive strength and energy density of molded fuel made of biomass after compression molding are greatly improved,and this technology can solve the supply chain problems such as biomass storage and transportation. Fuel pretreatment and anti-slagging additives can reduce alkali metal content of biomass,improve ash melting temperature and reduce the risk of boiler slagging. Baking treatment can improve the grindability of biomass,increase the proportion of biomass blending,and improve the adaptability of boiler pulverizing system to biomass blending. The modification of boiler burners and reasonable air distribution can improve the adaptability of combustion system to mixed burning biomass. The acquisition cost of agricultural and forestry biomass raw materials is higher than that of coal,and inaccurate measurement of biomass power generation can not get financial support,the economy is poor. The economy of co-firing biomass is the main reason that hinders the large-scale co-firing of biomass. The measurement of low-cost biomass sources and biomass power generation needs to be solved urgently.
pulverized coal fired boiler;biomass;blending combustion;pollutant from coal combustion;low carbon emission;coal-fired power generation
0 引言
1 掺烧生物质对燃烧、结渣、排放的影响
1.1 生物质燃料特点
1.2 生物质/煤混燃燃烧特性
1.3 生物质/煤混燃结渣特性
1.4 生物质/煤混燃污染物排放特性
2 掺烧方式灵活性
2.1 农林废弃物的掺烧方式
2.2 污泥的掺烧方式
3 煤粉炉掺烧生物质壁垒及应对措施
3.1 农林废弃物的供应与储运
3.2 制粉、燃烧系统适应性
3.3 掺烧农林生物质的沾污、结渣问题
3.4 煤粉炉掺烧生物质的经济性
4 结语与展望
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会