• 全部
  • Title

    Impact characteristics and mechanical analysis to study coal bump under syncline effect in mining roadway

  • 作者

    张科学 朱俊傲 何满潮 亢 磊 姜耀东 李 东 孙健东 程志恒 王晓玲 杨海江 吴永伟 闫星辰 李举然 尹宇航

  • Author

    ZHANG Kexue,ZHU Jun’ao,HE Manchao,KANG Lei,JIANG Yaodong,LI Dong,SUN Jiandong,CHENG Zhiheng,WANG Xiaoling,YANG Haijiang, WU Yongwei,YAN Xingchen,LI Juran,YIN Yuhang

  • 单位

    华北科技学院 河北省矿山智能化开采技术重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室华北科技学院 智能化无人开采研究所中国矿业大学(北京)〓煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室煤炭科学研究总院华北科技学院 矿山安全学院

  • Organization
    1.Hebei Key Laboratory of Mine Intelligent Unmanned Mining Technology,North China Institute of Science and Technology;2.State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing;
    3.Institute of Intelligent Unmanned Mining,North China Institute of Science and Technology;
    4.State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Mine Safety,China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing;
    5. China Coal Research Institute;
    6.School of Mine Safety,North China Institute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    为探索向斜对回采巷道冲击地压的作用机制,以河南某矿区21221工作面为研究背景,采用力学分析、CDEM数值计算及现场实践相结合的方法,对向斜作用下回采巷道围岩冲击特性规律展开研究。建立了向斜作用下回采巷〖JP2〗道力学模型及数值计算模型,分析了向斜作用下回采巷道围岩能量随采动影响变化趋势,得出如下结论:①向斜作用下回采巷道底板围岩应力集中较大,易发底板冲击,帮部围岩应力集中相对较高,可发帮部冲击,顶板围岩应力较小,不易发顶板冲击;②向斜作用下回采巷道围岩能量随采动影响总体上呈现先急剧增大,后持续稳定,然后突变降低,最后持续稳增加到一定应力状态,或者稳定不变;③向斜轴部巷道围岩变形以底鼓为主,向斜翼部巷道围岩变形是底板和帮部同时变形,向斜轴部巷道围岩变形整体上大于向斜翼部,前者底鼓量约为后者的2倍,且向斜轴部巷道底板深度1~3 m围岩变形剧烈,底板深度5~8 m围岩较为稳定,而向斜翼部巷道底板深度1 m围岩变形明显大于底板深度2~8 m围岩。力学分析及现场应用表明,其与数值计算结果较为吻合。

  • Abstract

    In order to explore the action mechanism of the syncline on the coal bump of the mining roadway,this paper takes the 21221 working face of a mining area in Henan as the research background,and adopts the combination of mechanical analysis,CDEM numerical calculation and field practice. The law of impact characteristics is studied. The mechanical model and numerical calculation model of the mining roadway under the syncline effect are established,and the changing 〖JP+2〗trend of the surrounding rock energy of the〖JP〗 mining roadway under the syncline effect with the influence of mining is analyzed. The following 〖JP+2〗conclusions are drawn:① The surrounding rock of the〖JP〗〖LM〗mining roadway floor under the syncline effect The stress concentration is large,and the impact of the bottom plate is easy to occur. The stress concentration of the surrounding rock at the side is relatively high,which can cause the impact of the side. The surrounding rock stress of the roof is small,and the roof impact is not easy to occur; ② The energy of the surrounding rock of the mining roadway under the action of syncline In general,the influence of mining first increases sharply,then continues to be stable,then decreases suddenly,and finally increases steadily to a certain stress state,or remains stable; ③ The deformation of the surrounding rock of the roadway at the syncline axis is dominated by the bottom heave. ,the deformation of the surrounding rock of the roadway in the syncline wing is the simultaneous deformation of the floor and the side,and the deformation of the surrounding rock of the roadway at the syncline axis is larger than that of the syncline wing. The deformation of the surrounding rock at the depth of 1-3 m in the roadway floor is severe,and the surrounding rock at the depth of 5-8 m at the floor is relatively stable,while the deformation of the surrounding rock at the depth of 1 m in the roadway floor of the syncline wing is significantly larger than that of the surrounding rock at the depth of 2-8 m at the floor. The mechanical analysis and field application show that it is in good agreement with the numerical calculation results.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal bump; syncline; mining roadway; mechanical model; numerical simulation; mining impact

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Kexue,ZHU Jun’ao,HE Manchao,et al.
    Impact characteristics and mechanical analysis to study coal bump under syncline effect in mining roadway[J].Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(7):84-98
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