• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanism research of roadway pressure bump induced by fault slip and activation

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Kexue He Manchao Jiang Yaodong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Intelligent Control Technology Branch of China Coal Research Institute Beiing Tiandi-Marco Electro-Hydraulic
    Control System Co., Ltd. State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China
    University of Mining and Technology (Beiing) State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Mine Safety, China
    University of Mining & Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要
    针对具有断层构造特征的生产地质条件,运用相似模拟、数值分析和现场工业性试验相结合的研究方法,通过相似模拟试验,得到了采动影响断层作用下距工作面28 m断层发生滑移活化,此过程分失稳期、滑移期和活化期;断层易失稳滑移破碎区域是交界区、直接顶区和基本顶区,断层失稳滑移加剧巷道变形,断层活化致使巷道底鼓突变,甚至发生底板冲击。通过数值计算分析,得出了断层下盘围岩比断层上盘围岩应力易转移,能量易积聚和释放;断层下盘巷道底鼓约为断层上盘的1.8倍;指出了断层滑移活化过程中巷道底鼓变形最为严重,右帮变形次之,顶板下沉和左帮变形较小。最后提出了断层滑移活化诱发巷道冲击地压机理。
  • Abstract
    According to the specific geological conditions of fault tectonic, based on similar simulation, numerical calculation and the combination of industrial field tests, and through similar simulation test, the paper obtains faults slip and activation occur when distance from working face 28 m under the influence of mining, the pro cess is divided into instability, slip and activation; fault prone areas are broken slip instability border zone, the immediate roof area and roof area; fault slip instability ex acerbated tunnel surrounding rock deformation, especially in the first activation of the fault slip, the floor heave deformation more serious, or even the impact of roadwa y floor.By numerical analysis, the easy transfer of surrounding rock footwall rock stress on the fault than the plate, easy to accumulate and release energy; floor heave about 1.8 times in the footwall; it is pointed out that the deformation of the floor heave is the most serious in the process of fault slip and activation, the right shift is nea r, the roof subsidence and the left shift are smaller.Finally, it is proposed mechanism of roadway pressure bump induced by fault slip and activation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fault; roadway; pressure bump; stress field; displacement field; energy field;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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