• 全部
  • Title

    Characteristics of structural water control and groundwater migration in Qidong Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Peisen, LI Fuxing, FU Xiang, TIAN Zhizhao, NIU Hui, XU Daqiang

  • 单位

    山东科技大学 矿山灾害预防控制国家重点实验室培育基地山东科技大学 矿业工程国家级实验教学示范中心安徽恒源煤电股份有限公司祁东煤矿山东科技大学 数学与系统科学学院

  • Organization
    National Key Laboratory for Mine Disaster Prevention and Control, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology
    Qidong Coal Mine, Anhui Hengyuan Coal & Electric Company Limited
    College of Mathematics and Systems Science,
    Shandong University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    以祁东煤矿为例,通过研究矿井地下水运移规律及其所在区域的构造控水特征,以期为煤矿水害的超前精准治理和区域防治提供借鉴参考。利用构造控水理论结合祁东煤矿及其所在矿区、煤田的地质构造背景,对构造控水的逐级控制作用和构造控水作用方式进行研究,结果如下:祁东煤矿基岩地层形态整体受宿南向斜控制,局部受魏庙断层等构造控制,新生界地层形态亦受到构造的间接控制;在宿南向斜控制下,矿井内或矿井外南部风化后的二叠系煤系砂岩裂隙含水层、太灰、奥灰与四含角度不整合接触;在魏庙断层控制下,在矿井南部采区部分二叠系煤系砂岩裂隙含水层含水层再次露头,与四含角度不整合接触,不整合接触使得含水层间可产生水力联系。总结分析结果,认为:①地质构造通过对地层形态的控制,对地下含水层水起到控制作用;②地质构造通过控制含水层间的接触,对含水层间的水力联系起到控制作用。为进一步验证含水层间的水力联系,利用水位变化的对比分析和皮尔逊(Person)相关系数,对放水试验期间南部采区四含、太灰和正常水位观测期间四含、太灰、奥灰的钻孔水位观测结果进行分析,得出:①南部采区放水试验期间,四含(SQ10-14)与太灰(ST4)水位变化基本同步,相关性极强;②正常水位观测期间,四含(SQ10)、太灰(ST4)、奥灰(SO2)两两之间水位变化具有极强的相关性,同一含水层内不同观测孔间水位变化的相关性差异较大。证实:受构造控制,在矿井局部,四含与基岩含水层角度不整合接触区域,存在水力联系。利用地下水数值模拟软件Groundwater Model System(GMS)结合参数反演Parameter Estimation(PEST),对四含水位分布和径流规律进行研究,得出:四含水位在−7~−57 m,南部水位比北部水位高,在魏庙断层处,水力梯度较大;四含水径流集中在矿井西南部和中部,西南部整体向北径流,中部以东西向径流为主,四含径流有绕过魏庙断层。

  • Abstract

    Taking Qidong Coal Mine as an example, this paper studies the law of groundwater migration and the characteristics of structural water control in the region, in order to provide reference for advanced precise control and regional prevention of coal mine water disasters. Based on the theory of structural water control and combined with the geological and structural background of Qidong Coal Mine and its mining area and coalfield, the step-by-step control effect of structural water control and the mode of structural water control are studied. The results are as follows: The bedrock formation morphology of Qidong Coal Mine is controlled by Sunan syncline as a whole, partly by Weimiao fault and other structures, and the Cenozoic formation morphology is also indirectly controlled by structures. Under the control of Sunan syncline, Permian coal-bearing sandstone fractured aquifer, Taihui, Ordovician limestone and aquifer IV angle unconformity contact after weathering inside or outside the mine; under the control of Weimiao fault, the aquifer of partial Permian coal-bearing sandstone fractured aquifer in the southern mining area of the mine outcrops again, and contacts with the aquifer IV angle unconformity, which makes the hydraulic connection between the aquifers. Based on the analysis results, it is considered that ① the geological structure controls the underground aquifer water by controlling the formation morphology ; ② Geological structure controls the hydraulic connection between aquifers by controlling the contact between aquifers. In order to further verify the hydraulic connection between aquifers, using the comparative analysis of water level changes and Pearson correlation coefficient, the borehole water level observation results of aquifer IV, Taihui and aquifer IV, Taihui and Ordovician limestone in the southern mining area during the water discharge test and normal water level observation period were analyzed. The results show that: ① During the water discharge test in the southern mining area, the water level changes of aquifer IV (SQ10-14) and Taihui (ST4) are basically synchronous and highly correlated; ② During the normal water level observation, there is a strong correlation between the water level changes of aquifer IV (SQ10), Taihui (ST4) and Ordovician limestone (SO2), and the correlation between different observation holes in the same aquifer is quite different. It is confirmed that, controlled by the structure, there is hydraulic connection in the angular unconformity contact area between the fourth aquifer and the bedrock aquifer in the local area of the mine. The groundwater model system (GMS) and parameter estimation (PEST) are used to study the distribution and runoff law of four water levels. The results show that the four water levels are about−7−−57m, the water level in the south is higher than that in the north, and the hydraulic gradient is larger at the Weimiao fault. The four water-bearing runoff is concentrated in the southwest and central part of the mine. The southwest runoff is northward as a whole, and the central part is mainly east-west runoff. The four water-bearing runoff bypasses the Weimiao fault.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Qidong Coal Mine; groundwater movement; structural water control; hydraulic connection; pearson correlation coefficient; water disaster control; regional prevention and control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张培森,李复兴,付 翔,等. 祁东煤矿构造控水特征和地下水运移规律[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(2):292−305
  • Citation
    ZHANG Peisen,LI Fuxing,FU Xiang,et al. Characteristics of structural water control and groundwater migration in Qidong Coal Mine[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(2):292−305
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 祁东煤矿及其所在矿区、煤田构造示意

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