Research on physicochemical characteristics of flotation fine carbon from gasification slag
ZHAO Peng;WANG Daoyuan;LI Xuanhua;MA Bowen;HUANG Peng
煤气化灰渣高效环保资源化利用是目前煤化工固废领域研究的热点, 即对气化渣增值化和规模化消纳技术开发的需求极为迫切, 但对残碳高值利用等暂无大规模资源化的处置方案。采用N2吸-脱附、扫描电镜(SEM)、碘吸附等手段对浮选精炭的孔径分布和吸附性能进行分析表征, 依据GB/ T 7702. 7—2008 和GB/ T 7702. 6—2008 进行精炭的碘值和亚甲蓝值检测及不同分子水平的吸附性能表征, 采用物理活化和化学碱活考察浮选精炭制活性炭过程的活化反应性能。结果表明: 气化渣浮选精炭具有低挥发分、低硫、低H/ C 原子比和低活化反应性能的特点, 煤质特征与变质程度最高的1 号无烟煤接近, 灰成分中Si-Al 酸性氧化物含量接近70%。气化渣浮选精炭的分子结构致密, 碱性物质的存在有利于促进活性炭制备的活化反应。浮选精炭初具一定的比表面积, 孔结构为介孔尺度, 具有一定的大分子液体吸附性能, 碘值和亚甲蓝值未达到工业水处理用活性炭技术指标, 需对其进行进一步活化处理。浮选精炭经过气化炉的高温历炼后活化反应性能大幅降低, 可适量添加低变质煤和适宜的黏结剂混合成型, 辅以高活性助剂并通过活化工艺参数调整和添加高活性助剂等手段提高表面性质, 以利于提升其吸附性能。
Treatment and resource utilization of gasification slag with high efficiency and environmental protectionway has become focus in the field of solid waste in coal chemical industry. It is urgent for the demand of value⁃added and large⁃scale treatment technologies development of gasification slag. However there has been no large⁃scaleresource disposal plan till now. The pore structure and absorption of flotation fine carbon were characterized by N2adsorption⁃desorption, SEM and iodine adsorption. According to GB/ T 7702. 7—2008 and GB/ T 7702. 6—2008,iodine value and methylene blue value of flotation fine carbon were measured, and the characterization of adsorptionperformance at different molecular levels were done. Activation reactivity in the reaction of flotation fine carbon toactivated carbon was reviewed by physical activation and chemical alkali activation. The results show that the flota⁃tion fine carbon from gasification slag has the characteristics of low volatile, low Sulphur, low H/ C ratio and lowactivation reactivity. The coal properties of flotation fine carbon are close to that of No. 1 anthracite with the highestmetamorphic degree. The content of Si-Al acidic oxides in the ash component is close to 70%. The flotation finecarbon has dense molecular structure, the presence of alkaline substances is beneficial for promoting the activationreaction of activated carbon preparation. A certain specific surface area and mesopore structure are beneficial for ab⁃sorption of large molecular liquid. While the iodine value and methylene blue value of the flotation fine carbon can⁃not meet the technical standard requirement of activated carbon for industrial water treatment and it needs further ac⁃tivation treatment. The low activation reaction and molding performance of the flotation fine carbon can be improvedmixed with the low rank coal, suitable binder and activator in a certain proportion. Surface properties and adsorp⁃tion abilities of flotation fine carbon can be improved by way of the proper addition of activation process regulationand highly active activator.
气化渣 浮选精炭 理化特性 活化反应性能 表面特性 吸附性能 活化工艺参数 亚甲蓝值
gasification slag; floating fine carbon; physicochemical characteristics; activation reaction capability; surface characteristics; adsorption performance; activation process parameters; methylene blue value
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会