• 全部
  • Title

    Iron⁃calcium⁃biochar enhanced sludge deep dewatering andsludge⁃based biochar preparation

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIAO Hongming;FU Liang;;ZHOU Yingying;WANG Xurong;ZHANG Leilei;Gao Yonglin;ZHOU Dandan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Engineering Research Center of Low-Carbon Treatment and Green Development of Polluted Water inNortheast China, Ministry of Education, Northeast Normal University
    JilinEngineering Lab for Water Pollution Control and Resources Recovery, School of Environment,Northeast Normal University
    Guangdong Qingjing ShijiaEnvironmental Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    污泥脱水是污泥处置及资源化的重要前提。 在实际工程中,常规使用 FeCl3作为污泥调理剂时,对于某些剩余污泥的强化脱水效果较差,无法满足后续处置的含水率要求。 本研究以脱水困难的剩余污泥为研究对象,探究了 FeCl3、CaO 和生物炭协同强化污泥深度脱水效果及其资源化利用途径。 研究发现,在 FeCl3调理污泥脱水的最佳条件下,引入 CaO 和生物炭可以进一步提高脱水效果。 对于脱水困难的剩余污泥(单独 FeCl3调理,最佳脱水情况下泥饼含水率仍有 60%~70%),当 FeCl3投加剂量为 9%、CaO 投加剂量为 2%、稻壳生物炭投加剂量为 2%,压滤时间为7 min 时,机械脱水后泥饼含水率可降低至 44.08%,满足后续处置的含水率要求,并且滤液 pH 接近中性,不会增加滤液处理负担。 脱水后的泥饼中含有 Fe、Ca 元素,在 400 ℃条件下制备高性能污泥基生物炭,具有较高的比表面积和孔容,表面富含含氧官能团,可以高效去除水中 Cr6+,吸附量为26.51 mg / g。 本研究建立了铁-钙-炭协同强化污泥深度脱水及其制备高性能污泥基生物炭的技术策略,为难脱水剩余污泥的处理和资源化利用提供了科学依据和技术参考。
  • Abstract
    Sludge dewatering is a crucial step in sludge disposal and resource recovery. While FeCl3 iscommonly used to enhance sludge dewatering, it is ineffective for some residual sludges, resulting in ahigh moisture content in the sludge cake that fails to meet subsequent disposal requirements. In thisstudy, we explored the synergistic effect of FeCl3, CaO, and biochar on the difficult dewateringresidual sludge and its resource utilization. Under the optimal sludge dewatering with FeCl3 addition,CaO and biochar supplements could further enhance dewatering efficiency. When FeCl3 addition alonewas used for the difficult-to-dewater residual sludge, the moisture content in the sludge cake was stillas high as 60% ~70% under optimal conditions (FeCl3 9%). However, at this FeCl3 optimal condi⁃tions, CaO (2%) and rice husk biochar (2%) were added and then pressure filtrated for 7 minutes,the moisture content of the sludge cake could reduce to 44.08%, meeting the disposal requirements.Furthermore, the pH of the filtrate remained close to neutral, thus avoiding additional burden on thefiltrate treatment process. The dehydrated sludge cake containing Fe and Ca elements were utilized toproduce high-performance sludge-based biochar under 400 ℃. This biochar have large surface areaand pore volume, and the surfaces rich in oxygen-containing functional groups. Notably, it showed re⁃markable efficiency in removing Cr6+, with an impressive adsorption capacity of 26.51 mg / g. This studyhas developed a comprehensive technical strategy to enhance the deep dewatering of difficult dewateringresidual sludge and prepare high-performance sludge biochar, providing a valuable scientific basis andtechnical reference for the treatment and resource utilization of difficult dewatering residual sludge.
  • 关键词

    污泥脱水 氯化铁 氧化钙 生物炭 响应曲面法

  • KeyWords

    Sludge dewatering; FeCl3; CaO; Biochar; Response surface methodology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    矫洪铭, 付亮, 周盈盈, 等. 铁⁃钙⁃炭强化污泥深度脱水及污泥基生物炭制备[J]. 能源环境保护, 2024,38(1): 101-108.
  • Citation
    JIAO Hongming, FU Liang, ZHOU Yingying, et al. Iron⁃calcium⁃biochar enhanced sludge deep dewatering andsludge⁃based biochar preparation[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 101-108.
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