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  • Title

    Analysis of wireless transmission tests in mines and preferred working frequency bands for mining 5G

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Jiping;PENG Ming;LIU Bin

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 人工智能学院国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司 羊场湾煤矿

  • Organization
    School of Artificial Intelligence, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
    Yangchangwan Coal Mine, CHN Energy Ningxia Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    矿井移动通信系统、人员和车辆定位系统等的研发和布置,需进行矿井无线传输特性分析,优选无线工作频段,优化无线通信基站和定位分站布置。在矿井拐弯巷道、分支巷道、辅助运输大巷、掘进巷道、综采工作面中进行了350 MHz~6 GHz较大频率范围的无线传输测试,并对测试结果进行了分析,揭示了矿井无线传输特性:① 拐弯巷道中无线传输频率越低,衰减越小,其中350 MHz~900 MHz频段的无线传输衰减最小。② 分支巷道中无线传输频率越低,衰减越小,其中350 MHz~900 MHz频段的无线传输衰减最小。③ 辅助运输大巷中700 MHz~900 MHz频段的无线传输衰减最小。④ 掘进巷道中700 MHz~900 MHz频段的无线传输衰减最小。⑤ 综采工作面中433 MHz~1300 MHz频段的无线传输衰减最小。⑥ 在巷道断面相同的情况下,拐弯巷道中的无线传输衰减小于分支巷道,支巷发射的分支巷道中的无线传输衰减小于主巷发射的分支巷道。巷道拐弯和分支均增加了无线传输衰减。提出了煤矿井下无线通信系统的优选工作频段与天线在拐弯和分支巷道中的最佳布置方式:① 煤矿井下无线通信系统的工作频段应优选700 MHz~900 MHz。② 为减小巷道拐弯和分支对无线传输的影响,无线通信基站和定位分站及其天线应设置在拐弯巷道的拐点和分支巷道的分支点。研究成果已被中华人民共和国能源行业标准NB/T 11546—2024《煤矿用5G通信系统通用技术条件》、NB/T 11523—2024《煤矿用5G通信基站》和NB/T 11547—2024《煤矿用5G通信基站控制器》应用。
  • Abstract
    The development and deployment of mobile communication systems, personnel and vehicle positioning systems in mines require an analysis of wireless transmission characteristics, the selection of preferred working frequency bands, and the optimization of wireless communication base stations and positioning substations. In this study, wireless transmission tests were conducted in a large frequency range from 350 MHz to 6 GHz in mine environments such as curved tunnels, branch tunnels, main transportation tunnels, excavation tunnels, and fully mechanized mining faces. The test results were analyzed, revealing the characteristics of wireless transmission in mines: ① In curved tunnels, the lower the wireless transmission frequency, the smaller the attenuation, with the least attenuation in the 350 MHz to 900 MHz frequency band. ② In branch tunnels, the lower the frequency, the smaller the attenuation, with the least attenuation in the 350 MHz to 900 MHz frequency band. ③ In main transportation tunnels, the least wireless transmission attenuation was found in the 700 MHz to 900 MHz frequency band. ④ In excavation tunnels, the least attenuation was in the 700 MHz to 900 MHz frequency band. ⑤ In fully mechanized mining faces, the least attenuation was observed in the 433 MHz to 1 300 MHz frequency band. ⑥ With the same cross-sectional area of the tunnels, wireless transmission attenuation in curved tunnels was smaller than in branch tunnels, and the attenuation in branch tunnels emitted from branch sources was smaller than that emitted from main tunnels. Curves and branches in tunnels increased wireless transmission attenuation. Furthermore, this paper proposed the preferred working frequency bands and the best arrangement of antennas for wireless communication systems in underground coal mines, specifically in curved and branch tunnels: ① The working frequency bands for underground wireless communication systems should preferably be in the 700 MHz to 900 MHz range. ② To minimize the impact of curves and branches in tunnels on wireless transmission, wireless communication base stations, positioning substations, and their antennas should be set at the turning points of curved tunnels and at the branch points of branch tunnels. The research results have been applied to the People's Republic of China energy industry standards NB/T 11546-2024 General specification of 5G communication system for coal mines, NB/T 11523-2024 5G communication base station for coal mines, and NB/T 11547-2024 5G communication baseband controller for coal mines.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine wireless transmission;wireless working frequency bands;5G;base station arrangement;antenna setup

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孙继平,彭铭,刘斌. 矿井无线传输测试分析与矿用5G优选工作频段研究[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(10):1-11, 20.
  • Citation
    SUN Jiping, PENG Ming, LIU Bin. Analysis of wireless transmission tests in mines and preferred working frequency bands for mining 5G[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(10):1-11, 20.
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