• 全部
  • Title

    Research on key technology and engineering application of emulsion pump in super-high mining face

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Ran;YE Jian;LU Haicheng;LAI Yuehua;LIU Hao;CHEN Rongming;YU Tianliang;KANG Yan;WANG Chuliang;WANG Dalong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Tianma Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd.
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Coal Mining and Strata Control
    School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    随着煤矿智能无人化开采技术的不断发展和进步,越来越多的大采高、超大采高智能无人化综采工作面陆续建成并投入生产,大采高综采高效智能化综采技术及装备又一次实现飞跃发展,这也对煤矿智能供液系统的供液能力提出了新的挑战和要求。为了满足超大采高智能无人化综采工作面供液需求,分析总结了乳化液泵在超大流量复杂工况下存在的问题,研究了提升超大流量乳化液泵站可靠性的关键技术。创新设计了一种基于人字齿轮副输入轴–曲轴轴系,解决了兆瓦级泵站系统齿轮副传动系统稳定性低的问题;进行了往复十字头–缸套摩擦副和兆瓦级传动系统关键轴承可靠性分析,提升了传动副的可靠性;通过配流阀动态特性分析、可视化技术研究与高可靠性密封技术研究,提升了超大流量高效气蚀配流性能;研究了一种基于永磁式本安型电磁铁及基于气穴卷吸的空化抑制方法及结构,提高了先导级的响应特性和卸载阀卸荷阀口抗气蚀特性,进而提升了高压大流量卸载阀的可靠性;通过创新研制云边端协同的泵站智能预警诊断系统,提升了高压大流量泵站的安全性和可用性。最后研发设计了高功重比1 250 L/min、40 MPa五柱塞乳化液泵,并在陕煤集团曹家滩煤矿122104综采工作面即世界首套10 m超大采高智能综采工作面进行了成套示范应用。超大流量智能乳化液泵站的成功研制为超大采高智能化综采工作面集成供液系统泵站配置提供了新思路。

  • Abstract

    With the continuous development and progress of intelligent unmanned mining technology in coal mines, more and more intelligent unmanned fully-mechanized mining faces with large mining heights and super mining heights have been built and put into production, and high-efficiency intelligent fully-mechanized mining technology and equipment have achieved a leap forward development, which also puts forward new challenges and requirements for the liquid supply capacity of intelligent liquid supply system in coal mines.In order to meet the liquid supply demand of intelligent unmanned fully mechanized mining face with super high mining height, the problems of emulsion pump under the complicated working condition of super large flow were analyzed and summarized, and the key technologies to improve the reliability of super large flow emulsion pump station were studied.A new type of shaft system based on herringbone gear pair input shaft and crankshaft is designed, which solves the problem of low stability of gear pair transmission system in megawatt pump station system. The reliability analysis of the reciprocating cross-liner friction pair and the key bearings of the megawatt transmission system is carried out to improve the reliability of the transmission pair. Through dynamic characteristic analysis of valve, visualization technology and high reliability sealing technology research, the performance of high-efficiency cavitation valve is improved. A cavitation suppression method and structure based on permanent magnet intrinsic safety electromagnet and air pocket enrolling are studied to improve the response characteristics of the pilot stage and the anti-cavitation characteristics of the unloading valve port, thus improving the reliability of the high-pressure large-flow unloading valve. The safety and availability of high pressure and large flow pumping stations have been improved through the innovative development of the intelligent early warning and diagnosis system of cloud edge end cooperation. A new type of shaft system based on herringbone gear pair input shaft and crankshaft is designed, which solves the problem of low stability of gear pair transmission system in megawatt pump station system. The reliability analysis of the reciprocating cross-liner friction pair and the key bearings of the megawatt transmission system is carried out to improve the reliability of the transmission pair. Through dynamic characteristic analysis of valve, visualization technology and high reliability sealing technology research, the performance of high-efficiency cavitation valve is improved. A cavitation suppression method and structure based on permanent magnet intrinsic safety electromagnet and air pocket enrolling are studied to improve the response characteristics of the pilot stage and the anti-cavitation characteristics of the unloading valve port, thus improving the reliability of the high-pressure large-flow unloading valve. The safety and availability of high pressure and large flow pumping stations have been improved through the innovative development of the intelligent early warning and diagnosis system of cloud edge end cooperation.Finally, the high-power-to-weight ratio 1250 L/min, 40 MPa five-plunker emulsion pump was developed and designed, and a complete set of demonstration applications was carried out in the 122104 fully mechanized mining face of Caojiatan Coal Mine of Shaanxi Coal Group, that is, the world's first 10 m super-high intelligent fully mechanized mining face. The successful development of super large flow intelligent emulsion pump station provides a new idea for the configuration of pump station of integrated liquid supply system of super large mining height intelligent fully mechanized mining face.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent liquid supply technology;power transmission technology;corrosion-resistant flow distribution technology;emulsion pump;electromagnetic unloading valve;fault prediction and health management

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    中国煤炭科工集团科技创新基金资助项目(2023–TD–MS015, 2023–TD–QN004)
  • DOI
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  • 图表
    • 人字齿轮副输入轴–曲轴轴系

    图(17) / 表(1)


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