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  • Title

    AHP method determining the weight of main factors controlling water inrush from coal seam floor and system research and development

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wu Qiang Li Shenju Liu Shouqiang Gong Houjan Li Zhe Qi Jingsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    National Engineering Research Center of Coal Mine Water Hazard Controlling,China University of Mining &
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    In order to effectively prevent and control the coal seam floor water inrush and reveal the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of water inrush from coal sea m floor under the influence of multiple factors,the weights of the main factors controlling coal seam floor water inrush are quantitatively analyzed in the use of the AHP method with multi-objective and multi-criteria decision analysis. The Sanhejian coal mine is taken as an example.First of all,based on the determination of the seven mai n factors controlling the Ordovician limestone water inrush from No.17 coal seam floor,the hierarchical structure model is established and the judgment matrices are con structed. Secondly,according to the corresponding consistency test,the hierarchical single-sort and total-ordering are carried out,Finally,the weights controlling the No.17 coal seam floor water inrush by the seven main factors are determined.On this basis,the results of the vulnerability assessment on the No. 17 coal seam floor Ordovician limestone water inrush are in good agreement with the actual results.Further,based on the Matlab software with matrix operation,the AHP method weights calculation sy stem is developed.The operation of the system is simple and practical,which provides a basic platform for the popularization and application of the AHP method.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    floor water inrush; nonlinear dynamic characteristics; multi-objective and multi-criteria; water inrush main factors; AHP;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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