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  • Title

    Study on coalfield structure characteristics in Changdu Area based on remote sensing and gravity- magnetic data

  • 作者


  • Author

    Ma Zhikai Cao Daiyong Song Shiyu Qiao Xiaojun Qiao Junwei Yang Cheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Ma Zhikai Cao Daiyong Song Shiyu Qiao Xiaojun Qiao Junwei Yang Cheng
    College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Bejjing)
    Aerophotogrammetry & Remote Sensing Bureau of China National Administration of Coal Geology Qinghai Bureau
    of Coal Geology
  • 摘要
    为了解决昌都地区煤田勘查基础薄弱、地质调查难度大的问题,利用重磁-遥感数据对昌都地区断裂分布及深部结构特征进行研究。重磁异常显示,澜沧江断裂为区域性深大断裂,表现为相对低的长条状重力带,带内-540 mGal,两侧-460 mGal,以区域性的重力梯度带相隔。澜沧江断裂南侧表现出高密度、高磁性的特征;北侧重力场一般为-470~-500 mGal,宽缓平稳,煤系多出露于相对重力高与相对重力低之间的过渡地带。基于OLI和DEM影像处理可知,盆地内断裂以北西-南东向为主,局部发育北东向断裂,断裂密度由南向北逐渐降低。昌都地区煤田构造格局以挤压为特色,煤系变形分区呈平行条带结构,变形强度由南向北递减,煤系主要分布于昌都盆地中段、北端及西北部。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the weakness of coalfield exploration in Changdu Area and the difficult problem of geological survey, in this article, the fracture distributi on and its deep structure were analyzed through remote sensing data and gravity-aeromagnetic data. Gravity and magnetic anomalies showed that Lancang River fault was the regional deep fault, which was characterized by relatively low and long strips of gravity. Gravity anomaly was-540 mGal within the zone, -460 mGal on both side s, separated with regional gravity gradient belt. South side of Lancang River fault showed a high density, high magnetic characteristics. The gravity field was commonly- 470 --500 mGal on north side, and characterized by gentle and stable changes. The coal measures were more exposed in transitional zones between relative gravity hi gh and relative gravity low in Changdu Basin. According to the OLI images and DEM, it could be known that the faults were northwest mainly, and northeast partly. Fract ure density gradually reduced from the south to the north. Coalfield structure framework of Changdu Area was characterized by extrusion. Coal deformation partitioning presented the parallel bands structure. Deformation intensity decreased from south to north. Coal measures mainly distributed in central, north and northwest of Chang dou Basin.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Changdu area; remote sensing interpretation; gravity-magnetic anomalies; coalfield structure;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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