• 全部
  • Title

    Computing study on multivariate mixed gas burning by CHEMKIN-PRO software

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIA Bao-shan1,2 ,LI Chun-miao1,2 ,YIN Bin3 ,FU Yuan4 ,LI Shou-guo1,5 ,LI Shan-peng4

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. College of Safety Science and Engineering,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China;2. Key Laboratory of Mine Thermodynamic Disaster & Control of Ministry of Education,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin  123000,China;3. Department of Safety Engineering,Xinjiang College of Engineering, Urumchi  830000,China;4. China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China;5. State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety Technology,CCTEG Sheny-ang Research Institute,Shenyang  113112,China
  • 摘要
    针对多种不同性质气体对瓦斯燃烧过程的影响问题,采用CHEMKIN-PRO软件,构建USC Mech 2.0动力学模型对不同组分C2H4/CO2瓦斯混合气体燃烧过程进行了深入研究,模拟分析了不同组分C2H4/CO2瓦斯层流燃烧速率及H,O自由基体积分数的变化趋势,并利用SENKIN程序对其进行了敏感性分析。计算结果表明:随着CO2体积分数的增大,层流燃烧速率降低,在φ1.25时分别降低了约13 cm/s和149 cm/s,H,O自由基体积分数降低,其协同抑制瓦斯燃烧;随着C2H4体积分数的增大,层流燃烧速率略微增加,在φ1.4时分别升高了约3和46 cm/s,H,O自由基体积分数升高,其协同促进瓦斯燃烧;在φ≤1条件下,随着当量比的增加,促进CH4生成的关键反应步的敏感性系数升高幅度较大,其抑制瓦斯燃烧。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the influence of gases with multiple different natures on the methane burning process,using the CHEMKIN-PRO software,a USC Mech 2. 0 dynamic model was built to further study the combustion process of gas mixture consisting of different components’ C2 H4 / CO2 . Then the change tendency of laminar burning velocity and H and O free radical’s volume fraction were simulated and analyzed under different components. The program SEN- KIN was used to analyze the sensitivity. The calculated results showed that the laminar burning velocities of methane decreased with the increase of the volume fraction of CO2 ,and they decreased 13 cm / s,149 cm / s respectively under different conditions of φ1. 25. H and O volume fractions reduced and their synergistic effect was to inhibit the gas burning. The laminar burning velocities of methane increased slightly with the increase of the volume fraction of C2 H4 ,and they increased 3 cm / s and 46 cm / s respectively under different conditions of φ1. 4. H and O free radical’s volume fractions increased correspondently and their synergistic effect was to promote the gas burning. With the equivalence ratio increased,the reduction about the sensitivity coefficient of key step reaction on the promotion of CH4 generated was larger under the condition of φ≤1,so it inhibited gas burning.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    CHEMKIN-PRO;C2 H4 / CO2 ;laminar burning velocity;H and O free radical;key step reaction

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Jia Baoshan,Li Chunmiao,Yin Bin,et al. Computing study on multivariate mixed gas burning by CHEMKIN-PRO software[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42(3):646-652.

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