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  • Title

    Study on Sequence Stratigraphy of Jurassic Coal-bearing Measures in Hangya Area of North Qaidam Basin

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to unveil the accumulation law of coal in Hangya area of Qaidam basin, By using borehole data, the paper studied its sedimentary facies, seque nce stratigraphy and coal accumulation characteristics.A total of 5 rock types and 17 lithofacies types ware identified.Fluvial, delta and lacustrine depositional systems and related facies were recognized. Three sequence boundaries were identified based on the development of regional unconformity and the base of incised valley fill sa ndstones.The coal measures were subdivided into 2 third-order composite sequences, corresponding lower and upper members of the Shimengou Formation.The result s showed that the interdistributary bay of the lower delta plain, and the back swamp of the fluvial-upper delta plain were the main environments for coal accumulation in Hangya area.In the basin margin, which was dominated by a fluvial-delta plain setting, the thick coal (G2) was developed around the maximum flooding surface, while t he moderately thick coal (G3) was developed in the middle of the transgressive systems tract.In the basinal area, which was dominated by a lacustrine setting, the thinn er coal (G1) was developed near the transgressive surface.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    transgressive systems tract;coal-bearing measures;sequence stratigraphy;Shimengou formation;coal accumulation;

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