• 全部
  • Title

    Study on ground pressure behaniour law of high water filling gob-side entry retaining technology in fully-mechanized mining face with large buried depth

  • 作者


  • Author

    Niu Qinghai;Sun Shaolong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group Co.,Ltd.,Handan 056011, China
    Wutongzhuang Mine ,Jizhong Energy Fengfeng Group Co., Ltd., Handan 056200, China
  • 摘要
    为揭示大埋深综采工作面高水充填沿空留巷矿压显现规律,以梧桐庄矿182605下工作面为工程背景,通过理论分析、方案设计和现场监测相结合的方法进行研究。根据现场巷道围岩变形量及速率变化规律分析可知,沿空留巷采用加强支护+超前切顶卸压+高水充填联合支护后,累计变形量和变形速率先缓慢增大再显著增大之后保持稳定,其中变形速率呈“几”型状。依据规律将沿空巷道的围岩变形划分成3个区域,分别是缓慢变形区、显著变形区和稳定变形区。工作面周期来压步距为 35 ~ 40 m,对巷道围岩起到有效的控制作用。矿井现场试验表明,充填体完好,强度满足实际需求,巷道变化较小,达到预期目标。
  • Abstract
    In order to reveal the rock pressure behavior of high water filling along goaf retaining roadway in fully mechanized mining face with large burial depth, No. 182605 lower working face of Wutongzhuang Mine was taken as the engineering background. theoretical analysis, scheme design and on-site monitoring were used to carry out research. According to the observation and analysis of the surrounding rock deformation and rate change law of the field roadway, it was known that the accumulative deformation and deformation rate increased slowly and then increased significantly, and then remained stable, after a set of technologies of “advance roof cutting. pressure relief and high water filling combined support”. The deformation rate was in the shape of Chinese word “几”. The surrounding rock deformation of the roadway was divided into three areas, namely the slow deformation area, the significant deformation area and the stable deformation area. The working face cycle pressure step distance was 35~40 m, which plaied an effective role in the control of the roadway surrounding rock.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    large buried depth;high water filling;gob-side entry retaining;ground pressure behaniour

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    牛清海1,孙少龙2. 大埋深综采工作面高水充填沿空留巷矿压显现规律研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(5): 27-30.
  • Citation
    Niu Qinghai1, Sun Shaolong2. Study on ground pressure behaniour law of high water filling gob-side entry retaining technology in fully-mechanized mining face with large buried depth. CCI, 2024, 47(5): 27-30.
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