• 全部
  • Title

    Effects of AMF inoculation on accumulation of plant-soil nutrients and colonization of native DSE in eastern grassland opencast mining area

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Linlin;BI Yinli;LIU Tao

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 地质与环境学院西安科技大学 西部矿山与生态环境修复研究院中国矿业大学 (北京) 煤炭精细勘探与智能开发全国重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Geology and Environment, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Research Institute of Mining and Ecological Environment Restoration in West China, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    State Key Laboratory for Fine Exploration and Intelligent Development of Coal Resources, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    东部草原不同草种存在不同的生存空间比例,接菌对草原草本生长及竞争关系的研究对于揭示接菌对草原生态演变具有重要意义。针对内蒙古锡林浩特市胜利露天矿区土壤贫瘠、植被生长困难等现状,利用不同草种配比种植模式并结合微生物−丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi,AMF)接菌方式,旨在探明植物−真菌联合对矿区排土场土壤改良与植被恢复效应,并筛选适宜矿区排土场生态恢复的最佳种植模式。结果表明:影响土壤和植被恢复的主导因素分别是种植方式和接菌处理,综合影响力表现为:接菌作用 > 种植方式,矿区排土场的生态复垦中,接种AMF对植物−土壤养分积累具有积极的提升作用。豆科与禾本科相对权重为1∶3 + AMF的种植模式不仅能促进土壤改良,加速土壤养分的累积,还能很好地促进植物生长和养分吸收,是适合该区域排土场生态修复的最佳组合模式。此外,接种AMF影响了试验区的本土真菌中深色有隔内生真菌(Dark Septate Endophytes,DSE)在植物根系中的定殖,人工植物种植及接种AMF后,DSE定殖强度相比于自然恢复区有下降趋势;AMF定殖情况均呈现一级根系 > 二级根系,接种AMF降低了DSE在一级根系中的定殖,提高了DSE在二级根系中的定殖,AMF和DSE分别在植物一级根系和二级根系的生态位中占据优势,该环境下AMF与DSE存在位点竞争。DSE总定殖率与土壤质量和综合质量指数显著正相关,一定程度上DSE总定殖率的提高有助于土壤中营养积累和区域综合质量的提升。研究表明在露天矿区排土场生态复垦中加入AMF对修复效果具有积极的正向作用,为排土场使用微生物−植物配置复垦技术提供了数据支撑。

  • Abstract

    Different grasses in the eastern steppe have different proportions of living space, so the study on the relationship between the growth and competition of the grassland grasses is of great significance to reveal the 1ecological evolution of the grassland. According to the current situation of the habitat and the dump in the Shengli opencast mining area in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, different plant ratios combined with microbial inoculation were used to investigate the effect of plant-fungus combination on the soil improvement and vegetation restoration in the dump and screen the best planting mode suitable for the ecological restoration in the dump. The selection of suitable fungi is an important prerequisite for the ecological remediation of mining areas. To verify the ecological effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF), the comprehensive restoration of plant and microbial (AMF) in the dump of the Shengli coal mining area was investigated. Results showed that the dominant factors affecting soil and plants were planting patterns and AMF inoculation, respectively. The comprehensive influence of soil and plant indicators was as follows: AMF inoculation > plants planting. Therefore, adding appropriate microbial agents would actively improve the remediation efficiency in the dump of mining area. The weight ratio of Leguminosae∶Poaceae = 1∶3 + AMF planting mode could promote soil improvement, accelerate the accumulation of soil nutrients, and promote plant growth and nutrient absorption, which was the best combination suitable for the ecological restoration of dump in the Shengli opencast mining area. In addition, the inoculation of AMF affected the colonization of the local soil fungi DSE in plant roots. The colonization intensity of DSE was decreased compared with the natural restoration area after artificial plants planting and inoculation of AMF. The colonization of AMF at the primary roots was higher than the secondary roots. The AMF inoculation reduced the colonization of DSE in the primary roots and improved its colonization in the secondary roots. The AMF and DSE were dominant in the niche of plant primary and secondary roots, respectively. There might be niche competition between AMF and DSE. The total colonization of DSE was significantly positively correlated with soil quality and comprehensive quality index. To a certain extent, the improvement of total colonization of DSE was conducive to the accumulation of nutrients in soil and the improvement of regional comprehensive quality. This study indicates that the incorporation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) into the ecological rehabilitation of dump in the open-pit mining areas has a positive effect on restoration outcomes. It provides data support for the application of microbial-plant configurations in the reclamation technology for dump.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    opencast mining area;arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi;soil improvement;vegetation restoration;dark septate endophytes;planting patterns

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家重点研发计划资助项目 (2022YFF1303303);国家自然科学基金重大资助项目 (52394194)
  • DOI
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 不同种植区植物权重变化

    图(7) / 表(3)


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