Analysis of solid-thermal-mechanical coupling characteristics of rocker-arm gear drive system of shearer
CHEN Hongyue1,2,3 ,LI Yuzhu1 ,ZHANG Zhao1 ,MAO Jun1 ,SONG Qiushuang4
针对采煤机摇臂齿轮传动系统瞬态温度高,容易引起齿面胶合的问题,采用齿轮混合弹流润滑理论和虚拟仿真技术研究了不同环境温度下惰轮齿轮的生热特性。以Reolands黏温黏压效应、Ree-Eyring模型、非牛顿流体理论为基础,综合考虑润滑条件下齿轮摩擦因数、齿轮油膜刚度与油膜阻尼、对流换热系数等参数对齿轮传动系统生热效益影响,建立了润滑条件下齿面实时摩擦因数计算公式,再将公式导入COMSOL Multiphysics数学模块中获得了不同初始温度下的摩擦因数值,再以采煤机实验测试载荷为激励,采用COMSOL多体动力学模块与固体传热模块对惰轮齿轮的固-液-热耦合特性进行分析研究,结果表明:环境温度在281.15~311.15 K内,齿轮在啮合节点温度接近于环境温度,环境温度与温差成反比,环境温度与温升成正比。
Aiming at the problem that the transient temperature of the shearer ’ s rocker arm gear system is high and the bonding of the tooth surface is easy,the heat generation characteristics of the idler gears under different ambient temperatures are studied by using the gear mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication theory and the virtual simulation technique. Based on Reolands viscosity and viscous pressure,Ree-Eyring model and non-Newtonian fluid theory,the effects of gear friction coefficient,gear oil film stiffness and oil film damping and convective heat transfer coefficient on the heat generation efficiency of gear transmission system are considered. ,The formula for calculating the real-time friction coefficient of the tooth surface under the lubrication condition is established. Then,the formula is introduced into the COMSOL Multiphysics mathematical module to obtain the friction coefficient at different initial temperatures. Then,the COMSOL multi-body power The solid-liquid-heat coupling characteristics of the idler gear are analyzed and studied by the module and the solid heat transfer module,The results show that the ambient temperature is in the range of 281. 15-311. 15 K,the temperature of the gear is close to the ambient temperature,the ambient temperature is in- versely proportional to the temperature difference,and the ambient temperature is proportional to the temperature rise.
shearer;gear;elastohydrodynamic lubrication;friction coefficient;ambient temperature
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会