• 全部
  • Title

    Intelligent ground control at longwall working face

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Huamin1 ,WANG Shen1 ,LI Dongyin1 ,WANG Wen1 ,YUAN Ruifu1 ,WANG Zuguang1 ,ZHU Shiting2

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院大同煤矿集团 同煤国电同忻煤矿有限公司

  • Organization
    1. School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo  454003,China; 2. Tongxin Coal Mine,Datong Coal Mine Group Co. , Ltd. ,Datong  037003,China
  • 摘要

    煤矿采场智能岩层控制是智慧矿山及智能化开采的重要组成部分,是由“试误岩层控制”向“精准岩层控制”、由“静态岩层控制”向“动态岩层控制”发展的关键路径,是当前和今后一个时期采场岩层控制领域的重要发展方向之一。明确了采场智能岩层控制的内涵:即运用现代信息技术、人工智能技术及方法等,以采场智能装备系统为载体,实现开采全过程的采场围岩自动化、智能化控制。采场智能岩层控制分为3个关键环节:开采过程中的环境及设备运行数据的感知与汇集、动态分析与状态判别、实时决策控制与反馈。分析了矿山数据的构成、感知汇集方法及利用方式,矿山数据的主要用途为:岩层控制效果与事故灾害特征评价的大数据关联分析、为人工智能模型提供学习样本及分析对象、作为动态数值计算的反演分析参照对象、作为数据可视化与开采实景虚拟的信息来源。给出了采场智能岩层控制的动态分析与状态判别、实时决策与控制的技术路径,提出了采场智能岩层控制的关键科学问题:① 环境及设备运行数据的感知汇集方法与技术;② 矿山数据实时快速分析方法与技术;③ 采场智能岩层控制的关联分析与模型;④ 矿山数据可视化与开采场景虚拟构建;⑤ 基于大数据的快速动态数值计算原理及算法;⑥ 采场智能岩层控制“感知-分析-控制-反馈”全过程算法集成与系统构建。结合工程实际介绍了基于支持向量机和动态数值计算的采场智能岩层控制初步应用。

  • Abstract

    Intelligent ground control ( IGC) at longwall working face is the significant and key part in wisdom coal mine and mining intelligentization,and is the crucial link from trial-and-error ground control to precise ground control as well as from static control to dynamic control. IGC is one of the important research fields in ground control. The con- notation of IGC at longwall working face was defined,which is the ground control technology using modern information technology and artificial intelligent technology. The composition,perception and col-lection method and the utilization mode of coal mine data were analyzed. The coal mine data is used for big data analysis for evaluating ground control ef- fectiveness and coal mine disaster characteristics,providing learning samples and analysis objects for artificial intelli- gence models,and used as the reference object for back analysis of dynamic numerical simulations and information source for data visualization and virtual reality of mining process. The pathways of dynamic analysis and state distin- guish,real-time decision-making and control in IGC were proposed. The key scientific problems of IGC were clarified, that include the methodology and technology of perception and collection of coal mine data,the real-time rapid analysis of coal mine data,the intelligent model and algorithm of IGC,coal mine data visualization,the virtual reality for mining process,the principle and algorithm of rapid numerical simulation based on big data,and the algorithm integration and system construction for the whole process of IGC. Two specific IGC application cases on Support Vector Machine and Dynamic Numerical Simulation were introduced.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    working face;intelligent ground control ( IGC);artificial intelligence ( AI);coal mine big data;dynamic numerical simulation

  • DOI
  • Citation
    LI Huamin,WANG Shen,LI Dongyin,et al. Intelligent ground control at longwall working face[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(1):127-140.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 煤矿采场智能岩层控制的内涵及结构

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