• 全部
  • Title

    Effects of different preparation methods on the types and properties of zeolites synthesized from coal fly ash

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Xiaoyu,LIU Shaojun,QU Ruiyang,WU Weihong,WU Xuecheng,ZHENG Chenghang,GAO Xiang

  • 单位

    浙江大学 能源清洁利用国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou  310027,China
  • 摘要


    研究表明,采用直接水热法在3.0 mol/L的NaOH溶液中100 ℃水热反应60 h可获得NaP型沸石;采用碱熔融水热法,在不添加任何结构导向剂,不外加硅、铝源,90 ℃水热反应12 h的最佳条件下获得了NaA-X沸石。合成的NaP型沸石为形貌不规则的颗粒聚集体,大小不一;合成的NaA-X沸石产物中同时含有典型的A型沸石立方体和X型沸石的八面体形貌,棱角分明,平均粒径约为3.5 μm。NaP型沸石和NaA-X沸石的比表面积为55.9和266.0 m2/g,分别是粉煤灰的21和100倍。NaP型沸石和NaA-X沸石的微孔比表面积为12.0和211.1 m2/g,分别是粉煤灰的17倍和301倍。两种合成沸石的孔容也远大于粉煤灰。氨氮吸附量为153.6 mmol/100 g和226.6 mmol/100 g,分别是粉煤灰的14和20倍。


  • Abstract
    To reasonably utilize the large emissions of solid waste coal fly ash (CFA),different methods for zeolite syn- thesis from CFA were explored,focusing on the effects on the types and properties of as-prepared zeolites. The effects of alkali content,temperature and time on the types of synthetic zeolites and ammonia nitrogen adsorption capacity were investigated. The results showed that the NaP zeolite was synthesized via direct hydrothermal method at 100 ℃for 60 h in 3. 0 mol / L NaOH solution. While NaA-X composite zeolite was synthesized via the alkali fusion hydrother- mal method without structure-directing agent,silicon or aluminum source addition at 90 ℃ for 12 h. The synthesized NaP zeolite was a granular aggregate with irregular morphology and different sizes. The morphology of the synthesized NaA-X was characterized by typical cube blocks representing the zeolite A and octahedral ones representing the zeolite X. The particles were angular,with an average particle size of about 3. 5 μm. The specific surface area of NaP and NaA-X were 55. 9 and 266. 0 m2 / g,which were 21 times and 100 times those of fly ash,respectively. The micropore specific surface area of NaP and NaA-X were 12. 0 and 211. 1 m2 / g,which were 17 times and 301 times those of fly ash,respectively. The pore volumes of the two synthetic zeolites were also much larger than that of fly ash. The ammo- nia adsorption capacity were 153. 6 mmol / 100 g and 226. 6 mmol / 100 g,which were 14 times and 20 times those of fly ash,respectively. The thermal stability of the two synthetic zeolites was in line with industrial requirement,but the NaP zeolite synthesized by direct hydrothermal method was lower than that of NaA-X zeolite. Moreover,NaP zeolite contained unreacted quartz and mullite,resulting in low utilization of raw materials. On the contrary,NaA-X zeolite synthesized by alkali fusion hydrothermal method was beneficial to the conversion of inert crystal phase into active component,with the high utilization of raw materials,high product purity,and pore structure and ammonia nitrogen ad- sorption capacity were superior to the product synthesized by direct hydrothermal method.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal fly ash;NaP zeolite;NaA-X zeolite;direct hydrothermal method;alkali fusion hydrothermal method

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    REN Xiaoyu,LIU Shaojun,QU Ruiyang,et al. Effects of different preparation methods on the types and properties of zeolites synthesized from coal fly ash[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(5):1881 -1890.
  • 图表
    • 粉煤灰及其碱熔产物的XRD谱

    图(11) / 表(0)


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