• 全部
  • Title

    First fracture structure characteristics of main roof plate considering elastic-plastic deformation of coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    HE Fulian,HE Wenrui,CHEN Dongdong,XIE Shengrong,LI Hui,HE Changxi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China
  • 摘要

    建立考虑煤体弹-塑性变形的基本顶板结构初次破断力学模型,依据有限差分原理和主弯矩破断准则,系统计算研究了弹-塑性基础边界基本顶板结构初次破断位置、破断顺序以及全区域破断形态特征的影响因素及权重关系,并阐述了该力学模型的工程意义,得到如下结论。① 基本顶厚度h、弹性模量E较大,而弹性煤体基础系数kt及悬顶跨度较小时,基本顶的破断位置及顺序为:开采悬顶区中部下表面→深入未塑化的弹性煤体区上表面→短边深入未塑化的弹性煤体区上表面,在弹性煤体区上覆形成“O”型断裂圈;反之,基本顶的破断位置及顺序为:深入塑化煤体区上表面→开采悬顶区中部下表面→短边深入塑化煤体区上表面,在塑化煤体区上覆形成“O”型断裂圈,最终均形成“O-X”型破断形态;② 煤体塑化范围b0及塑化程度增大时,基本顶断裂线深入煤体的距离与基本顶各个区域的主弯矩绝对值均增大,即基本顶悬顶跨度会减小;③ b0及浅部塑化煤体基础系数k0较大时,基本顶的破断位置及顺序为:开采悬顶区中部下表面→长边深入塑化煤体区上表面→短边深入塑化煤体区上表面,在塑化煤体区上覆形成“O”型断裂圈;b0,k0较小时,基本顶的破断位置及顺序为:长边深入弹性煤体区上表面→开采悬顶区中部下表面→短边深入弹性煤体区上表面,在弹性煤体区上覆形成“O”型断裂圈,最终均形成“O-X”型破断形态;④ k0与kt为任意比值不变且kt与h3为任意比值不变时,基本顶的主弯矩大小、位置及破断规律不变。

  • Abstract
    A mechanical model for the first fracture of main roof plate structure considering the elastic-plastic deformation of coal was established in this study. According to the finite difference principle and the fracturing criterion of main bending moment,the first fracture position and order of main roof plate structure with the elastic-plastic foundation boundary as well as the influencing factors and weight relationships of the fracture morphology characteristics in the whole region of main roof were systematically calculated and studied,and the engineering significance of the mechanical model was also expounded. The following conclusions were obtained based on the above research:① When the main roof thickness h and elastic modulus E are relatively large,while the elastic coal foundation coefficient kt and the roof-hanging span of main roof are relatively small,the fracture position and order of main roof are illustrated as follows:the middle lower surface of roof in mining hanging roof area→the upper surface of roof ahead of the unplasticized elastic coal surface→the upper surface of roof along the short side of the stope ahead of the unplasticized elastic coal surface,and an O-type fracture circle will be formed in the roof on the elastic coal area. On the contrary,the fracture position and order of main roof are illustrated as follows:the upper surface of roof ahead of the plasticized coal surface→the middle lower surface of roof in mining hanging roof area→the upper surface of roof along the short side of the stope ahead of the plas-ticized coal surface,and an O-type fracture circle will be formed in the roof on the plasticized coal area. ;Finally,the “O-X” type fracture shape is formed. ② When the plasticized range of coal b0 and the plasticized degree of coal increase,the distance between the main roof fracture line ahead of the coal surface and the coal surface,and the absolute value of the main bending moment in each area of main roof will increase. That is,the roofhanging span of main roof will decrease. ③ When the plasticized range of coal b0 and the shallow plasticized coal foundation coefficient k0 are relatively large,the fracture position and order of main roof are illustrated as follows:the middle lower surface of roof in mining hanging roof area→the upper surface of roof along the long side of the stope ahead of the plasticized coal surface→the upper surface of roof along the short side of the stope ahead of the plasticized coal surface,and an O-type fracture circle will be formed in the roof on the plasticized coal area. When the values of b0 and k0 are relatively small,the fracture position and order of main roof are illustrated as follows:the upper surface of roof along the long side of the stope ahead of the elastic coal surface→the middle lower surface of roof in mining hanging roof area→the upper surface of roof along the short side of the stope ahead of the elastic coal surface,and an O-type fracture circle will be formed in the roof on the elastic coal area. Finally,the “O-X” type fracture shape is formed. ④When the ratio of k0 to kt is any constant value and the ratio of kt to h3 is also any constant value,the value and position of the main bending moment and the fracture law of main roof will remain unchanged.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    elastic-plastic foundation;main roof;first fracture;plate structure;thin plate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    HE Fulian,HE Wenrui,CHEN Dongdong,et al. First fracture structure characteristics of main roof plate considering elastic-plastic deformation of coal[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(8):2704-2717.
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